day two

Well,here I am again. Still not sure if I will continue this. But here goes. Today, well, normal day really. Got up, got kids up, took kids to childminder, went to work. Whilst at work saw that two girls had written a note to each other which said 'she's got a big bum' (my bum). Well, I have and I don't care.
Watched the end of Othello with Laurence Fishburne and Ken Branagh, nearly cried but Jade was watching me very closely as I had cried last week. Well, I find Othello very moving and know Othello's words nearly word for word even after all these years. Try explaining nostaligia to a 14 year old, not to mention why Othello is sad - she lacks imagination.
Came home from work, collected girls from school. Came home, made cup of tea, man from removals came to give a quote. Half way through his quote I had to leave to take daughter number 1 to her French class. Andy had come in and he took over. Brought Daughter home and promptly turned round again to go and meet Sue at Tate Britain for the Degas, Sickert and Lautrec exhibition. As usual Sue and I nattered all the way round, and didn't read enough about the paintings. I enjoyed most of them but Lautrec does nothing for me, neither does Sickert (I think I mixed him up with Sisley!). Sickert's paintings are too dark and his obsession with the seedier side of life is unsettling. They were all perves, lets face it. I preferred the end of the exhibition which had Vuillard and Bonnard in who I like alot. There were also paintings by Tissot and Baldini and Whistler which I loved. I love Whistler.
Had to say goodbye to Sue as a Londoner. Next time I see her I will be a tourist in London. Weird. The embankment looked lovely tonight with Big Ben at the end. I know I can visit but it won't be the same as a resident. It won't be my town any more.
That's it. Haven't eaten tonight. Tried to buy Tapas at Tate but they wouldn't take a card. However, we managed to scrape £7 together for a gin and tonic each! That's the important thing!
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