Day 4

Well, I've had some time to reflect on the things I've put in the blog and I'd like to make a few adjustments.
Firstly, to say a 14 year old cannot be nostalgic is wrong. I knew I didn't mean it when I said it. My eleven year old is always nostalgic. She says the sucky sweets we have in the car remind her of France. Whenever she hears the Scissor Sisters, they remind her of being with her cousins in France, and the list goes on actually.
Also, to say a teenager can't relate to Othello, of course it can! Never a better time in one's life to understand how one might kill for jealousy! So that too was bo**ocks!
Well, today, quieter than of late, luckily and I am spending a nice evening at home. A is in the bath after packing non-stop since he got home from work. (The packing boxes came today).
Sat downstairs for ages with the girls after supper, they were colouring posters for their anti-bullying day tomorrow and I was scrolling through our streamer playing lots of cool music I hadn't played for a while, The Bees, The Killers, listened to Kasabian but didn't like it that much, might give it another go, KT Tunstall, Elbow. Got bored of choosing my own music so put Virgin on and danced around with girls, until ColdPlay came on - how bad are they now! Turned it off and came upstairs. H became over tired and started shouting at me about some stickers A had found which she thought were hers even though they'd be lost for a millenia. She stomped and shouted and is now in her room but bet your bottom dollar she will repent and ask for a cuddle before I go down stairs to watch the new Little Britain. Watched it last week and didn't laugh as much as I used to although I really like Vicky Pollard still. Some of it is a bit close to the bone (or is the expression knuckle?)
Tomorrow, I am not going to work, yippee, so where I should be packing, I have planned coffee with Alison in the morning, and tea in the afternoon with Alex! In the evening El and Rog are coming round for a farewell curry. Well, I am going into social purdah next week. give a girl a break!
Ca phoned tonight and we discussed outfits for B's wedding next week. Spookily we seem to be wearing the same thing! Black strappy numbers in layered georgette, black high boots, we will look like the merry widows. All we need is a mantilla! She, though has a shrug which on me looks like a hanky on my back so I have opted for a long velvet coat! Both of us will be sans husbands and children for the day so it looks like fun!
The girls bedroom have been stripped bare by A's locust like efficiency. They seem to enjoy being in bare rooms surrounded by walls of boxes!
C'est tout, bye for now.
PS: Three girls at school asked me what languages I spoke, I said, 'French, German, Spanish and Gobbledeegook' to which they said 'OOH , speak some goobledegook!' Ha ha I ask you!
This post is my favourite yet. You seem to have relaxed into it a bit more. Love the bit about the languages! They do say the most amazing things sometimes.
It's quite interesting wondering who all the people are?? I wonder if somebody's marriage will last??
I gave J your blog address today - so she will probably be joining us soon I hope!
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