Sunday, April 01, 2007

House Update


I thought I'd just post a house update (thanks Dons for asking!).

Well, it's been a very frustrating time recently. I don't know how much I've said before but here goes.

Back in December when we met the owners of the house and they showed us round we all said how mutually beneficial it would be to move at end of May (their lodgers will be out and we have to be out of our rental) (I've told you all this haven't I?). Anyway, to cut a long story short they are now saying we can't move in until the 1st July because that's when they will be back from Dubai and they don't want to have a storage company move them out when they aren't there. So, the lodgers leave on 31st May, we have to be out on the 31st May, the house will be empty for a month, but hey ho - they've said what they want and we can't say otherwise because they know we don't have a choice in the matter. Even though Andy and my brother in law keep banging on at me saying 'it's a business deal, say what we want - they can't do this to us' (humph....why Andy tells me this but lets me do ALL THE NEGOTIATING AND EMAILING ETC). Andy says 'you need to be more assertive that's why people walk all over you'. Well, it's true I could never be a business woman because I'm far too nice. As much as I would like to be in by the 31st May, if they say they can't/won't do it then what do we do? They did (nasty horrible people) say that if we paid for them to move out on the 31st they would!! Can you believe the cheek of some people? I've heard on the local grapevine from people that know them that they were very much the sort of people who only did something if there was something in it for them! I think I can understand that!

Well, so now (finally) after many emails to them asking them to give us their solicitor's details it is in the hands of the solicitors, we have agreed the 1st July, fingers crossed.

We've had the survey done and that was OKish....lots of work needs doing but we were aware of all that. One thing the survey did say was that there is a large tree in the back garden that is too close to the house and needs to either be reduced or removed. I spoke to the 'lodgers' who were happy for me to show tree surgeons the tree and just come into the much neglected and overgrown garden - (lodgers don't DO gardening do they?). The last two Thursdays on my days off I have gone to the garden (mad woman that I am) on the pretext of waiting for tree surgeons to quote on the tree (should I be challenged) and I've weeded and tidied and pruned and raked! (am I mad?). Being able to do this makes me a bit happier about the wait for the house. At least I can get my hands on the garden. I thought that I'd better ask permission from the owners just in case and they agreed that I tidied up their garden for nothing (well they would!). Even if the sale falls through they've had their garden 'done'. It won't fall through. It won't!

The week after we move in, Holly has a day trip to Boulogne with the school and Alice is going away on an outward bound three day trip with the school (her first time away). My 'pessimistic little voice in my head' keeps thinking 'what if we move in on the Monday and Holly dies in a coach crash on the Sunday and Alice drowns in the Norfolk Broads? - after just moving in?' (that's my very very pessimistic voice talking there).

Last Friday was Andy's birthday. We had my sister and brother in law over for the evening and we had a curry. Cath and Kev (brother in law and sister) brought round loads of booze because they said 'we usually drink all yours' . I said 'we'll never get through all that!' Six hours later there were two extremely drunk men in the house. Andy's eyes were open the rest of him was unconcious. He went to bed, got up the next day at 8 to be sick down the toilet, went back to bed for a bit, got up again to be sick, and so the day went on! I think he actually got up at about 6pm, had a shower came downstairs, watched the new episode of 'Doctor Who' and then went back to bed. As I write this he is still in bed! It's 8.40am on Sunday 1st April! (what a fool! - haha)

My brother in law staggered back home with Catherine. Apparently he weaved his way home and at one time fell down in the gutter! Oh dear, grown people eh? (They might be assertive, but they certainly are stupid).


Blogger lettuce said...

hahaha, what a great birthday evening. Say Hi and Happy Bththaday to And, sorry we missed it, ptb.

Yes, you are too nice. And also mad. But in a very nice way, of course.

But I'd do the same. It wont fall through, I'm sure of it.

Send the pessimistic little voice to Coventry.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

I have a pessimistic worrying little voice also.. I hope it all goes well Luce, and just think you'll soonish be in your house, this year at least..good luck :-)

1:33 PM  
Blogger Pod said...

dig a little hole in the garden and bury the pessimistic voice in it, then stamp on it several times.

how annoying is it to be told to be more assertive by someone that isn't helping you out?!

and how was the new doctor oo?

3:55 AM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

It's so hard to be businesslike when buying a house. It goes against the grain for me as a home is so emotive. I do hope all goes well Luce, July will be here before you know it.

Andy's birthday celebrations made me laugh, boys eh?!!

5:02 PM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

Thanx for the house update - I too have been wondering ........

you'll be able to look back on this one day and laugh about it all, won't you?
Until then enjoy the garden, you funny thing you ........


1:26 PM  

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