Day 5

Hello, this is actually day 6 but I was too tired and too inebriated to write last night!
Took girls to school, then Alison came round for her last ever coffee at this house! We had a nice chat over coffee and brioche. Got a bit tearful when she left. Of course, I'll see her again, no question but why is it when you leave a place you realise how much people mean to you? I'm thinking, this place is lovely why am I leaving? Alarmingly, she told me that her daughter H was on the bus home from school and a man on the bus had a gun! I think she should tell the police but she doesn't want.
I had a bit of lunch and packed some books. Whilst I was packing I thought to myself 'I should text B and tell her I'm packing because she keeps texting me to ask if I've started packing' At that moment a text arrives on my phone from B!! Psychic or what! I phoned her back and we had a long chat. She's a bit emotional about her upcoming wedding day. She thinks she will spend the whole day in tears. As I will too no doubt, from being completely tired and emotional. She said that I didn't have to bother about coming down on the Friday, but I will make the effort though the thought of staying at Elaine's after puts me off. Not that I don't want to see Elaine, but it just means staying up even later to catch up with her. I decided against it and boooked myself into the Marriott, much more civilised!
In that afternoon, I popped over to Alex's for tea. Pam came. It was so short, but sweet. God, I'll miss my neighbours. If I meet anyone half as nice as them I'll be lucky.
H went to Sos's after school so A and I went and did chores - bought wine, went to Smiths, bits and bobs. At 7 El and Rog came and we ordered curry, they left at half one. God was I knackered. Can't believe that was the last time we will entertain them in our conservatory! Didn't feel too emotional about it, though El and Rog said they just can't believe we are actually going.
In a bit of a hurry today, packing boxes etc. Oh, D, called today, amongst other things he says that A his old school friend who lives in states has sold his company for 6 million dollars! Nice eh?
Got to go. Packing awaits. More later perhaps.
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