Last night I had a very odd dream. I think it might have been because I'd had a chicken
Jalfrezi for dinner!
I dreamed I went to a party and spent the evening talking to Boris Johnson and Amy Winehouse. Boris Johnson fondled my boobs (over my top) and Amy Winehouse talked
boringly about cake baking.
The party wasn't a wild London party but a very countryfied affair in a village.
Amy Winehouse had a passion for baking and biscuit making and in real life was
really normal.
Boris Johnson by all accounts was himself!!! But in my dream he wasn't quite so
blonde, more ginger and slimmer and actually quite good looking! Oh dear, do I
need therapy? I mean dreaming about Boris Johnson is bad enough. And maybe
it's the mother in me wanting Amy Winehouse to be normal and settle down!
We have some news regarding houses (groan, say you all).
Over Christmas my friend Nicola told me about a friend of hers who moved to Dubai
last year and is renting out her lovely house to the BBC (whilst they make 'Jimmy's
farm' programmes - just thought I'd drop that in case you thought my name
dropping days were behind me). This woman came over for Christmas and stayed
with friends and during the Christmas festivities met up with Nicola at a party where
she told her they had decided to sell their house. Nicola told her about us, she was very interested, we went to see it twice - once while she was in the country and once when
she'd gone back and Callum the produced showed us in!! The cellar has been turned
into a room very nicely and the BBC were using it as an editing suite - screens
everywhere. Callum told us that Jimmy's cows had pneumonia and they'd to go film
them, he said it made good TV!!!!! So while we were examining the house all we could
hear were cows 'in extremis' mooing and groaning from the cellar.
Anyway (my rambling ways are not behind me either are they?), we like the house
but it's hugely expensive and in quite shoddy condition actually and now the interest
rate has gone up and is going to go up again. It's a bit worrying. Do we really need all
that space? We only have two children.
Anyway, we made an offer and the Dubai people are thinking about it. Meanwhile,
yesterday another house came on the market which is similar to the other one but
on a smaller scale without the cellar. It's much much cheaper and in excellent condition.
We're going to see it today in an hour and a half. I feel much happier about going for a
cheaper house. I think the dreams I had when I moved to Ipswich of living in an
enormous house have gone and I don't mind. I'm far too lazy to look after 'land' let alone
the cost of furnishing great big houses, or indeed heating them!
So there you are, you are all up to date. Same old same old eh?
Tonight we have a 'quiz' at the school where I work. We have formed a team with my workmates and by all accounts these nights are taken very seriously with the teachers
forming teams. The deputy head's team apparently wins every year by all accounts. I
(not we) intend to beat him! He's got very blue piercing eyes which he uses to intimidate children and other members of staff.
Right, I'm off.
Ah, it's nice to be back.
Jalfrezi for dinner!
I dreamed I went to a party and spent the evening talking to Boris Johnson and Amy Winehouse. Boris Johnson fondled my boobs (over my top) and Amy Winehouse talked
boringly about cake baking.
The party wasn't a wild London party but a very countryfied affair in a village.
Amy Winehouse had a passion for baking and biscuit making and in real life was
really normal.
Boris Johnson by all accounts was himself!!! But in my dream he wasn't quite so
blonde, more ginger and slimmer and actually quite good looking! Oh dear, do I
need therapy? I mean dreaming about Boris Johnson is bad enough. And maybe
it's the mother in me wanting Amy Winehouse to be normal and settle down!
We have some news regarding houses (groan, say you all).
Over Christmas my friend Nicola told me about a friend of hers who moved to Dubai
last year and is renting out her lovely house to the BBC (whilst they make 'Jimmy's
farm' programmes - just thought I'd drop that in case you thought my name
dropping days were behind me). This woman came over for Christmas and stayed
with friends and during the Christmas festivities met up with Nicola at a party where
she told her they had decided to sell their house. Nicola told her about us, she was very interested, we went to see it twice - once while she was in the country and once when
she'd gone back and Callum the produced showed us in!! The cellar has been turned
into a room very nicely and the BBC were using it as an editing suite - screens
everywhere. Callum told us that Jimmy's cows had pneumonia and they'd to go film
them, he said it made good TV!!!!! So while we were examining the house all we could
hear were cows 'in extremis' mooing and groaning from the cellar.
Anyway (my rambling ways are not behind me either are they?), we like the house
but it's hugely expensive and in quite shoddy condition actually and now the interest
rate has gone up and is going to go up again. It's a bit worrying. Do we really need all
that space? We only have two children.
Anyway, we made an offer and the Dubai people are thinking about it. Meanwhile,
yesterday another house came on the market which is similar to the other one but
on a smaller scale without the cellar. It's much much cheaper and in excellent condition.
We're going to see it today in an hour and a half. I feel much happier about going for a
cheaper house. I think the dreams I had when I moved to Ipswich of living in an
enormous house have gone and I don't mind. I'm far too lazy to look after 'land' let alone
the cost of furnishing great big houses, or indeed heating them!
So there you are, you are all up to date. Same old same old eh?
Tonight we have a 'quiz' at the school where I work. We have formed a team with my workmates and by all accounts these nights are taken very seriously with the teachers
forming teams. The deputy head's team apparently wins every year by all accounts. I
(not we) intend to beat him! He's got very blue piercing eyes which he uses to intimidate children and other members of staff.
Right, I'm off.
Ah, it's nice to be back.
Did all UK bloggers eat Indian last night? Seems like it.
Dearie - you don't want to know about my strange dreams and I don't have the pleasure of curry take-outs.
It's lovely to have you rambling away again.
Hope the house viewing turns out well - do tell us about it later.
pooh. We didn't have indian.
We had fresh tuna tho, lovely, nice and rare.
Its so nice to have you back! keep us up to date on the house-news.
Lovely rambling, as usual.
i secon dthe rambling againess hurrahness! i am pretty sur ethe ideal place will turn up. do you remember that old drama called 'lace'.....i don't know hwy i thought of that....last night i dreamt i was a chambermaid in a really cheap hotel.....shall we have joint therapy?
I'm so glad that you are back...keep us posted on all the house stuff, what about a couple of photos?
Oh I'm so glad you're back and hurrah for the same old same old. It all sounds good to me ;-)
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