Tuesday, May 23, 2006

PTB PTB no really, PTB

Just need to write this;


Nothing specific has happened and I'm grateful for that. But I just can't galvanise myself
into doing ANYTHING at all unless I'm FORCED.

Perhaps I should take a blogactical.....

I need to

clean the house, I mean CLEAN the house,
write a letter to the Tax man to claim some back
go to the bottle bank (they collect everything else apart from bottles)
take some exercise (don't seem to be able to find the energy)
stop eating (so far to day: porridge, made with water, a banana, a pomegranate, an apple, a large piece of cheddar, two carrots, the rest of the moroccan houmous, three squares of green and blacks 70% chocolate, a little bit of vegetarian moussaka left over in the fridge from friday, sigh...I'm stuffed)
do more housework
finish my book for the book club
force myself to go to tennis tonight before I atrophy completely
tidy up!
clean out the car
buy various birthday cards and prezzies


Went to see one today .....looked nice, grade II listed Georgian and all that, but no good, no good at all.... (still waiting for the Quirky chapel thing to come on)

I can't seem to get away from this darned computer these days....every five minutes checking Rightmove, then Primelocation, then another couple of agents who consider themselves too
posh to advertise on these websites, then the blogs, then my comments....and so it goes on...

Maybe I should disappear for a few days...after all I gave up booze I can give up blogging.... just so I can get a few things done at least! Maybe...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about being rooted to the computer..I mean tell me about it!!

Lots of self-discipline involved in taking a bloggabatical but it's worth it! I am ACHIEVING things.

I also have a long to do list like yours...sigh....but getting through it.

I like the sounds of that hummous...oh I miss that stuff - one can't find it in France!

4:34 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Noooooooo don't gooooooooo.

5:34 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Oh don't you go too. What IS going on round here?!!!

7:44 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Wendy I made some Hummous today, inspired by RW... I know you can't buy it here and no one that I know likes it...it's so easy to make...
I know what you mean RW...but please don't go....

8:27 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

It's raining

8:27 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

OMG not you too!


I'm only taking a break! I'll be back! If you take a break, will you come back too? :o(

9:22 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

No, I can't go....I love you all too much even though nearly all of you have effed off!

Come back....

I will be more disciplined with myself. I think it's because Graham has gone, I've gone flop.

I managed to clean up and go to tennis tonight so a gold star for me...but my neck hurts and I'm a bit wheezy....hope I'm not going down with the lurgies....anyway, a lovely CLEAN bed tonight!

Tomorrow is another day! (said as the sun sets over, um, what was that house called in Gone with the Wind?) Prize for the first correct answer!

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dunno what the house is called!

Glad you're staying...
I haven't effed off!
Look... I'm here! :o)

10:20 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Tara apparently. Silly name for a house though.

Please don't go. It always reminds me of Where the Wild Things Are whenever I say that to anyone. So please don't go or I shall roar my terrible roar, and show my terrible claws or whatever it is.

I hope tennis was good.

10:51 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

and roll your terrible eyes too

8:00 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Tara! I bet Ruth told you that!

Though you and Lettuce really DO KNOW your children's books!

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PMT, gotta be....and I'm with you there.
I came in from salsa last night at 9.30, had a big hunk of cheese and 6ish slices of dark cooking chocolate -wasn't hungry, then went straight to bed. Boobs hurt and jeans are tight....gotta be PMT!
Did the tennis help? If that didn't then its retail therapy my lovely or paint!
Are you painting anything at the moment?

9:46 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

hahahah moonwalker and bangla jess.

Yes the tennis helped a lot actually. I'm afraid i can't put it down to pmt this time. I'm currently eating Sainsbury's lemon and coriander cashews and macadamias which are SO MOREISH, I really should n't buy them, ever. But I've been to Sainsbury's this morning...had to check the prop websites (nothing) and now going to do my tax letter!

BTW it's blowing a gale in these parts (and that' before the nuts!)

10:33 AM  
Blogger Trac said...

It's funny you should mention PMT, BJ - I wondered if that was the reason I am taking a blog break! It might be, I have felt a bit p'd off lately! Not sure if I'm sad because I'm not blogging, or not blogging because I'm sad!

There's a small hurricane here too! There often is when you live on top of a giant hill like this. If there is a small breeze in Greenwich, it's a gale up here! No one points that out when you buy the bloody house!! Didn't occur to us...

Still, I'm looking forward to going out in the hurricane... blows away the cobwebs!! :o)

11:28 AM  
Blogger Trac said...

Yes - are you painting anything at the moment?

11:29 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Trac, I'm sorry you feel pee-ed off. It could be the weather I suppose...we have been robbed of the summer we thought we had for a minute.

I feel pee-ed off too....and SO lack lustre. I was listening to Radio 4 today on the way to Sainsbury's and on 'midweek' or whatever it's called they have a group of people come in and talk about their latest projects...one woman had written a book about 'England' and the discusion was things that remind us of our childhood. (not just English people on - a Rwandan and an Australian). Michael Frayn was on (who I love) and talked about how the smell of privet in bloom take him straight back to his childhood. Except he put it in a better way, I was stopped at the lights with tears rolling down my face. I wonder why I'm so maudlin at the moment? Well, I kind of know, there are quite a lot of accumulating factors really.

But I have hoovered the house this morning! Haven't written the tax letter yet....

Off I go again!

12:02 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Actually, I'm still here....

Blimus - bird flu appears to have mutated!

If another person on the phone says to me: "Just bear with me...." I will explode

12:07 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

I'm still here too!

I've been punishing myself!!
I've just forced myself to watch a video on YouTube that I put in my faves ages ago, but couldn't bear to watch it as it makes me cry!

I've just watched it! Don't ask me why? It made me cry, as predicted!

I've also cleaned out my fridge and microwave all before 10am today!! Unheard of! Nick is now plotting on ways to keep me depressed as it gets things cleaned! :o)

Still, I've found a happy video and left it on Lettuce's blog for her - It's cheered me up (Well except of course he's now dead!)and you should go and see it too! You'll see why I've left it for Lettuce! :o)

12:35 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

and now I've cleaned my bin!

My Bin??????


1:27 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

yeah WTF? What's come over you Trac?

Well, I went into town and bought the prezzies/ cards that were needed.

Must write that tax letter, now!

3:58 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

My estate agent is being extremely cruel to me....first he tips me the wink about the Quirky house coming on the market, so I've been waiting for WEEKS. Today he phones me to say it will be in the paper tomorrow (but no sign of it on the website yet) and they aren't doing viewings until Tuesday! I'm so excited I could burst....... could this be THE ONE?

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love The Clash!
I don't have to do house work where I live,(sorry!) but i really do miss high windy hills and good telly...and shops...and wearing warm clothes...and those lovely nibbles you get from Sainsburys (were they REALY GOOD?)and other deli delights...hummous! drool drool...I can make it too, but I like buying it and dipping in with a crunchy stick of celery..drool drool...and that lettuce all chopped up and clean and mixed up...
Here the highlights are mangoes and lychees, and I love 'em both, but they are definately not on the GI fight the flab programme -neither are the nuts i guess.
So anyhow, I can now speack Bangla almost as well as I can speak French! (Just had a lesson - well 5 hours ago actually). (Ha Ha says RW , thats not saying much!- about the French i mean) Been on the red wine tonight (GMT+6) as left alone with computer in power cut tonight - rare treat actually - 2 teenage daughters usually prevent. Must stop rambling thats your job RW....please don't stop.
Painting? Are you? Anything?

6:20 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Yes, there is a painting in the pipeline......

7:32 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

I hope you are feeling better now with all these wonderful comments. Love you lots.

9:02 PM  
Blogger G.C. PHILO said...

Hahaha! You think you can give up blogging?! You've been sucked in and there's no letting go! I've seen it happen to other people with nicotine, heroin, and sudoku. resistance is futile....

9:48 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...


Andy had a really cool cycling gear catalogue with really cool models. But in one picture two gorgeous men in trendy, bike courier gear were doing the Sudoku in the Daily Telegraph! Hahahahah....they just lost ALL their street cred!

9:56 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Oh for goodness sake you too, in the time you've spent chatting here, you could have written a week's worth of blogs.

If either of you want to come and clean our my fridge, please feel welcome.

And as for all these PMS comments - do you think we might all be synchronizing through cyberspace????

8:03 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

I just googled "cat doctor" and that came up. I'm very straightforward!

Yes, they did still wiffle on about malaria but other ideas too.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Everybody come and sing my song!

8:05 PM  

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