Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ho Hum!

Feeling a bit boring this week. No new houses have come on the market for me to look at. You'd think at this time of year people would be selling their houses. There is plenty on the market but it's either too expensive or not in the right area, or too small.

Graham leaves tomorrow (Hallelujah). Sometimes I feel sorry for him because of his loneliness and then he opens his mouth and ruins it all. Today he said to me 'what do I owe you?' (MY GOD HE'S THE CANNIEST MOST MANIPULATIVE PERSON EVER IN THE WORLD). As if I would charge anyone for living in my house for three weeks. BUT I WOULD HAVE APPRECIATED A CONTRIBUTION FOR CHRISSAKES! Fancy saying that, I can't get over it. He knew full well there was no way I was going to present him with a bill. But what person, ever in the history of the world stays at a person's house for three weeks and only once gave me a fiver to get him some beer (which incidentally he drinks copiously every day) - so a fiver didn't even cover two days! He did buy me lunch twice which was nice. But it would have been nice if he'd offered to take us all out for lunch or something. I sound mean don't I? I'm really not, but it's just the combination of everything coupled with his extreme mean spiritedness that really gets to me. On the one occasion I asked him to bring some beer back from town one day, he said he wouldn't be able to carry it! 'Yes, you would' I said. 'Buy it just as you are coming home and it'll be OK and it doesn't weigh much'. Thinking that he would have gone to M&S in town he came home with some co-op lager which was 2% alcohol and cost, (he told me) only 1.72p. Well at least he's tight fisted with himself as well as others. And, no he isn't poor. He's told me how much he made in interest alone on his capital last year (and it was quite a lot).

Well, anyway, he's going. And I can't help still feeling sorry for him. (even though he's not taken one photograph of his grandchildren, but plenty of our (very large) garden to show off to his cronies in Spain).

Alice has been ill this week so I haven't been out and about as much as I usually do which feels odd. I hate being housebound. Hopefully she'll be back at school tomorrow so I can go to tennis.

Oh yes, one more thing. I have three bottles of pink cava in the fridge for Friday night. I have enjoyed this period of non-alcohol. The longest time I've been off alcohol since being pregnant and breast feeding. I might just have this weekend with alcohol and then go back on the wagon with LeChat until the end of the month. If I hadn't done it with anyone I wouldn't have managed it.

But I have another plan. Would anyone out there in blogland like to do a 'get rid of few pounds two week healthy eating plan' with me? This is what I propose:

Two weeks of salads and fruit only. Breakfast can be porridge or oat cakes or something else healthy and low fat. The salads can include protein such as tuna/chicken/prawns and dressing. I can't do low fat dressing (I'm fussy) But no bread, or wheat products, crisps, biscuits or chocolate or anything like that. I intend to start Monday. I have just bought a lovely pair of black linen trousers which are wee bit too tight and I would like to get in to them. Why did I buy them? Well they were a good make but greatly reduced - you can't let a bargain like that pass you buy even if you can't fit into them. I'm afraid I have a few clothes in my wardrobe that I've bought thinking I'll get into them one day....sadly that has never happened. But I feel if I can give up the drink like I have, surely I can do two weeks of healthy eating and see where it takes me. Anyone up for it?


Blogger Identikit said...

At least he is going at last. I'm sure you have scored plenty of points towards your sainthood.

As for the diet thing - I would - but not next week because of Mr Swede and the week after is half term. If you do it again some time then I am game.

Hope Alice is soon better.

6:35 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

well, le chat. I've just realised we have friends coming next weekend and then you are right it's half term. So the Monday after half term?

6:43 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Yeah, that's fine. It'll get it done and dusted before all the birthdays set in - twins on 11th, Shearer on 25th (or maybe it's the 24th, I forget), Ruth on 27th.

I'm sure Ruth will be game too. Not sure the children will though - they love their bread and pasta!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

I could lie and say that I'd do the diet with you...but to be honest....I've been doing Gillian McKeith for bloody ages and I've got fatter!

This week, I've eaten what I liked and feel fantastic and got asked out so many times. There's no logic. Just eat what you want and have men running after you!


7:53 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Hurrah hurrah Betty or move to france and have a sexy accent that everyone and I say everyone likens to Jane Birkin and you'll be a hit also....I was at the market t'other week and I asked the price of something. Guessing I was english (because of my jB accent) he asked me to say something in french, I obliged and said "La Vache chi rit" (tres sexy huh) and he swooned and gave it to me, result.....

My dad stayed for a week and paid for SO much.. There was no stopping him...

Yay, I've rambled....

8:17 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

You are lucky Tat! In everything, dad's, sexy French accents, the lot! Sadly I have no such charms that I can use in Ipswich!

As for Betty, hahahhahahah! You are SO funny and beautiful too.

8:53 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

LOL at Trac! I couldn't possibly either, because of M.

Thats a lie, obviously, I could.
But it would take planning and stuff cos he and LG wouldn't..... hmmm... i'm weakening.... p'raps maybe.

Have a great celebratory time! you don't sound (and aren't at all) mean. He's a very lucky man to have you for DIL.

see you soon!!!!!!!!!! yeayyyyy!!!!!

8:11 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Humph, I'm feeling very jealous here!

1:14 PM  

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