Saturday, May 06, 2006

All about the Girl!

My daughter Holly, who is eleven (going on 18) has a boyfriend. They all seem to do that up here (at this age). If you have a boyfriend you don't speak to him, spend time with him or anything. As far as I can see you just get presents bought for you! How cool is that! So far Holly has received a GIANT Easter Egg and just recently a necklace ("it's white gold mum and cost more than £30!"). The boy's a fool! She came home last week with a six pack of chocolate bars from the boy! Chocolate and gold! I just hope it's all innocent (I think it is). Her boyfriend is called Byron, and is black with an afro hairstyle to rival the cast of Shaft (put together). Do you think Byron might be 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' like his namesake?

When I got up this morning (the first one to emerge) I turned on the laptop and then made myself some coffee. The laptop automatically signed in to Holly's MSN and when I returned there were about 20 conversations trying to speak to the girl! I had to politely tell them all that Holly was still in bed and this was her mum! Holly is going to be so embarrassed later when she finds out! One of them was Byron! I couldn't understand any of what he was trying to say to Holly because of all those fancy emoticons they use these days (MAN, do I sound old).

Lettuce and I MSN each other daily (sometimes, all daily) but she is a MAC user and can't get all the fancy emoticons. Wish she did though because we have great (and infantile) fun with the small collection we have - such as the 'angry' emoticon and the 'nerdy' emoticon. Hee hee. Oh, how we laugh......

As I have already said in earlier posts. Holly and Alice swim with Ipswich Swim School which does SERIOUS SERIOUS swimming. (as opposed to jokey swimming). Holly has just been 'promoted' to Olympic 'C' team and so now has to swim twice a week, the second time is a Friday night (very sad face). Last night was the first time she'd swum on a Friday and it was at a new venue. The venue was at 'Ipswich High School'. God, what a place! The school was set in parkland and is a stately home.
And the pool was brand new and clean and bright and the complete opposite of where she swims on a Wednesday which is old, Victorian and seriously manky.


I've made a new friend at swimming. She's a policewoman. Her husband is in the CID (do you think he knows Meg's Boyd?) She was telling me yesterday that every so often he has to be on kidnap alert all weekend. (kidnap alert?) He gets a call at any time of the night (or day), drinks a red bull, puts his kojak light on his special car which has all manner of gadgets and gizmos and whizzes down the A12 to the crime ridden, kidnap centre of the universe called London. "Kidnap?" I said. "Really, fancy being on kidnap alert. Does is happen often?" "Yes," she said "usually drug related kidnappings". Blimus. I've led a sheltered life..... thank goodness.


Well, that's enough Ramblings for one morning. Have fun in the sun.



Blogger Tanya said...

Oh I think Byron sounds utterly cool and with a fro, what a dude and what taste your girl has, mine's in love with a guy with a fro too and he's really cool...aren't they sweet though, kids.... My dads gone, it was quite sad, he had a great time and told me,man of few words is talking more. Lily is sad she said "I'm going to miss you, I love you Grandad"....

3:54 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

hi Tat! Glad you had a nice time with your Dad. Did he come on his own then? Without his wife?

It's nice for the kids to see their Grandad. Alice loves hers. To give him his due he is nice to the kids.... (he's still annoying though!)

3:56 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Wow Byron sounds so cool, great name, great hair. Obviously a girl of good taste!

5:11 PM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

Yes, Byron does indeed sound very cool - esp. the afro.

hahaha Trac - don't worry they won't always be square - especially with the parents they have got!


9:11 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Smiley emoticon face.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Well, Byron eh? He sounds wonderful. Perhaps we can get him to get on here and buy as all some chocolate.

I am thinking of entering the Pimp My Snack competition. At the moment, I'm thinking 'Giant Iced Gem' or 'Giant Haribo' because everything else has gone.

9:10 AM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

. .
. ^^^^ ^^^^ .
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. / \ .
. *********** .
. .

9:19 AM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Oh, that took me ages. It was a really lovely smiley face. But when I published it, it's gone into a bunch of old gobbledygook. I'll leave it there anyway, because then you know I tried to make something nice for you.

* *

9:20 AM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Sorry, I was trying to do it again but it still wouldn't work.

9:23 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Betty, I think it's only GOW who can do them! But thanks for trying! (Smiley face)

9:30 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

By the way - that school! blimus!

9:58 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Oh that is sweet. I think we're behind the times up here, it's all texting - our house resounds to the beep beep of mobile phones.

Bit different to my school that!

HOw's the abstinence going? Still sticking to it I hope. I feel terrible every morning - headache and dehydrated. I must be seriously addicted.

10:05 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Oh le chat. So you had a headache too? Andy opened a lovely bottle of Shiraz last night and offered me a glass and said 'go on I won't tell'. How dreadful is that? Has my husband got no moral integrity? I think he just didn't like to drink alone... (Andy's dad is a lager drinker) I abstained totally. It's like dieting, once you start it's easy. But really looking forward to the 18th. (Have a bottle of fizz in the fridge in readiness).

I'm so trying to be positive about andy's dad and on the whole he is OK, but his Daily Mail, Fascist, mysogynistic views came out today and I just HAD to challenge him....I'm not having that in my house. He backed down pretty quickly but in the past when his wife was alive they would have stormed off together and not reappeared until the evening pretending nothing was up and they just fancied a walk. (GRRRRRRR - manipulative, passive aggressive, immature behaviour). He now knows that all he has is Andy and has to temper his views and opinions.

Thank god, got that off my chest.

Hope you are OK, le chat. Been thinking of you....

10:46 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Poor you. Misogynist,fascist - those words are too big and too difficult to spell for the Daily Mail. How unpleasant. You are a more patient person than me. Let's hope we don't get like that as we get old.

Naughty Andy leading you into temptation. He should really be concentrating on delivering you from the evil FIL. Sorry, I know he is not really evil, just annoying. Well done on withstanding the temptation anyway. I was sorely tempted last night but I too was strong - Ruth doesn't seem bothered about drinking alone, it just means she's gets the whole bottle to herself.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Tanya said...

hahaha, that reminds me of when Donna was a vegetarian, Guy would always say, "come on Donna, have a bit of sausage, I won't tell"....

2:46 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Not his you understand, why that would be rude!

2:46 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Very impressed with your Russian. Shame my grandmother is dead, I'd send her to spend a couple of weeks with you. Maybe she would have taken a fancy to the FIL. She would have eaten him for dinner actually - she always liked a nice little bit of sausage!!

5:48 PM  

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