Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Envy is not a good thing. I met a woman at the tennis club today. We got talking about my problem. No, not that one. The lack of owning my own home! (how many problems did you think of?). She informed me that her property was for sale privately because she objected to paying 12 grand to the estate agent for doing nothing (as they say in the US - you do the math!). She also told me that she had had an offer accepted on a house. I inquired where this house was, she told me. Knowing the housing market as I do (like the back of my hand) I realised there was only one house on that road that was for sale and it was one of the very few in Ipswich that are worth over £1 million. As I said, envy isn't a good thing. I know, I KNOW! Blah blah blah, she could have lots of other problems, blah blah blah, it's not the house it's the people in it, blah blah blah. BLOODY HELL, I WANT MY OWN HOUSE SO I CAN DECORATE THE ROOMS AND GARDEN THE GARDEN.

Yesterday evening at tennis I was pissed off because a) I arrived late and there were millions and millions of people there (because of the warm weather) and I couldn't get on a court for ages so stood around listening to the middle aged men paying lots of attention to the only two, young attractive women who come to club night Not only are they attractive but they are successful too - one is professional golfer and the other is a vet.
b) I played badly
c) As I was walking off at the end of the evening we saw this professional golfer sitting in the bar with a middle aged man (Mike) and Nic said to me 'Is Mike her Dad?" and I said "No, I just think he fancies her" and Nic said (which made me feel like a bad, bad person) "Don't be sleazy".

Sometimes I wonder where I fit in to this life in Ipswich. Am I the only person who ever feels like this?


Oh, just so I don't sound too downbeat, three good/funny things happened:

- I heard that my brother's Austrian girlfriend is pregnant with her first child! She's had ovarian cancer so this is very good news! The baby is due in September.

- I discovered by accident who this 'andrew' is that I played tennis with last week! As I was driving my children to Olympic swimming tonight there was a car coming towards me at the lights. The car had 'Suffolk Radio' emblazoned all over it, I figured it was a Suffolk Radio car. Driving it was our roving reporter 'andrew'. Hahahahhahhahhaa. Not exactly the media superstar I had imagined!

- Our local cinema is showing the original "Italian Job"! I'm going to take the kids. "I only said blow the bloody doors off"


Blogger lettuce said...

haha - I'm glad you left us with a laugh.

Poor poor you. Is Nic a bit serious/po-faced at times? You are certainly not sleazy, for goodness sake.

What on earth is the derivation of po-faced? does it mean "face like a po"? as in gazunda?

I hope today is a better, happier day. I'm sure you'll have a great house and garden before too long.


8:51 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

Oh dear, poor you. I hope you do find a house soon. It is horrible that rootless feeling.

Everyone has evenings like that one you had at the tennis club! Next time you go you will be paired with the sexiest man there and win every game you play. You are definitely not sleazy.

That's very good news regarding the baby. I expect you are excited to be an Aunty again.

I'm off down the allotment this morning. How about you?

8:57 AM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Well Lucy, you know it's the self preservation society! Lucy you have a sense of humour, she sounds awfully nice but guard your spirit woman....envy is in all of us, it's normal.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Oh RW, I hope you have gone out into the lovely sunshine and cheered yourself up. Think of me stuck in this bloody office all day!!

What Tat said about spirit and sense of humour is so true. I get accused of being sleazy and irresponsible all the time, but we have to be true to ourselves. You are wonderful, so don't go changing what you say, do. She just doesn't share your sense of humour but that doesn't matter.

As for the homelessness, it is horrid, I do remember that, we all need to put our roots down, but whilst it doesn't seem like it to you I'm sure, it's early days. You need to find the house that is right for you and you will. At least you have Andy with you, you are not doing it on your own.

And yes, we all envy and are the subjects of envy. Tis a natural thing.

Anyway, houses that are that expensive tend to be large and just think of all that cleaning you'd have to do!!

I will try to write something for you later to cheer you up, although I expect you have done that yourself by now.

10:55 AM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

All has been said that I would want to say so "ditto" to all the good things already said, Luce.

12:33 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

quick quick bangladesh is online. My big sis, you there?

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey L... I mean RM, I'm being brave with technology! I love reading your blog - as you'll see from the size of the red spot eminating from south east Asia - and should have courage and respond in kind, yes? You're not suffering envy I don't think, but something the Welsh call hirath (sp?) which is a basic longing for home and harth which will of course pass as soon as you have your own - and you will, it's in the tea leaves.
A q. for u.
Is this response for u only or are all your blogging mates involved?
Also, OMG about the new baby in the family and as for tennis comments, could make them, want to, but well, it would feel a bit like discussing dog husbandry...
Now how do I sign off, no made up name, though i did have an alternate email address once in the name of Bangla Jess, but I know u know who I am anyway,

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, yeah!
How cool is that...
I really have NO clue!
Salsa party beckons and i'm being nagged to go get ready, it being 7.30 in the pm.
love you,

2:36 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Thanks Bagla Jess for commenting on my blog! It made me burst into tears for some reason! (Analyse that too!) And now I have to go and pick up the kids with red puffy eyes. They find me embarrassing as it is cos I turn up, either in my tennis gear or in my gardening gear.

When are you going to start your blog?

And yes, I will email......

2:56 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Oh how lovely! I feel a bit wet eyed myself now. Bet that cheered you up.

Hiraeth is the word.

4:01 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Thanks all for your comments!

I feel like I'm fishing for reassurance all the time, I'm's just my online, very public diary! But your comments all really help when I feel a bit 'out of it' here. There seem to be so many 'camps' here in Ipswich, everywhere really. I agree, when we have a house/home and have neighbours etc I'll feel more like I belong.

As for a woman being 128! Wow! And for the 60 year old woman having a baby! WOW AGAIN!

4:31 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

I guess if the woman of 60 lives to be 128 she might just get to see her grandchildren!

Lucky you and your leisure, make the most of it.

It's Romy's birthday today (12) so we've got hordes of kids partying in the garden this evening. And no alcohol to see me through.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la... clap, clap....this is the self preservation society....

8:57 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

wonderful news about the baby! Focus on the positive and you will find your dream just takes time...

9:13 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Alfie say's that 'only supposed to blow the bloody doors off' comment all the time. Usually when there is someone important around that we are trying to impress. He plays the IJ playstation game with his daddy and they say on there. Stern looks usually result in him repeating it even louder!

9:19 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

We've got it on DVD ... like... what HAVEN'T we got on DVD!! Tch!

7:24 AM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

"how cool is that?" - yes Bangla Jess how cool indeed ... I'd say waayyy cool, sweetie :o}

Very moved to see your big sis here, RW xxx

Oh and hahaha to Alfie, Dons

7:37 PM  

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