Thursday, April 27, 2006


Well, you know I said I was impressionable? Well, on Tuesday night I went to play tennis as it was club night. I partnered this rather good looking guy, with small trendy rectangular glasses, called Andrew (the man, not the glasses). Anyway, I did notice that he had a 'presence' around him. Thought maybe he was a doctor or something. Today at women's tennis, Nicola said to me, "you know that guy you were playing tennis with on Tuesday?" "Yes", I said. "Do you know who he was?" "No, but he was very good looking" "Well, I heard someone say to him 'I saw/heard you interviewing Natasha Kaplinsky yesterday' " .

That's it. I don't know who he is. Any ideas? Have you seen a good looking man in his late 30's/early 40's on telly recently interviewing Natasha Kaplinsky? If so, it was the guy I partnered on Tuesday. That wasn't worth waiting for was it?


I so want to record my father in law speaking so you can witness the torture I have to endure having him here.

me: Andy climbed Mont Ventoux last week on his bike!
him: Oh, where's that?
me: Provence.
him: How high is it?
me: 2000 metres
him: Ummmm (working it out in his head). That's about 6 and half thousand feet, not very big.
me: (speechless)

me: We have a nice outlook here don't you think? (over fields)
him: When we lived in Lydiard we looked out over fields, had a great view.

The man does not know how to take a personal interest in anyone/does not know how to hold a normal conversation. When he turned up yesterday, the first thing he said was (after giving us a run down of his journey with exact costs of all the public transport he had taken), is (looking at the garden) "Don't you find it depressing?" "What,?" "The weather, I've 0nly been here a couple of hours but it's so dreary in this country, it's depressing" (me: Oh FUCK OFF BACK TO SPAIN THEN!)


Blogger oakland heidi said...

I HATE when people act like that. It's like, come on! Be pleasant.... I've found that cocktails are a good remedy for such run ins.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Shall I take him with me to Florence? Put him on a train up to Manchester and I'll take him off your hands for the weekend.

I don't know how you will manage 2 weeks. Although it is going to be very entertaining for the rest of us hearing these snippits of conversations. I'm really enjoying it.

I saw the Mistress and she looked fine. She's the same age as me (that's young, RW, before you say anything!!). I suppose he isn't actually as ugly as David Mellor - or maybe he is?

No idea re your sexy partner. But Ipswich is obviously a hot place to be (despite the weather!)

6:36 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Oh God you poor poor thing. He is going to drive you insane honey!! He is just like my dad who has to 'trump' everything I say. His is always bigger and better. Oh no I've just done it to you too 'My dad is just like your FIL', sooooooo sorry I am empathising I promise ;-)

8:39 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Oh dear RW. This is not good. I think you should spike his drinks - he might be pleasant when he's drunk!

Or, why don't you get him to make a blog - that'll keep him amused. Just don't tell him you've got one. We could all go and post wicked comments on his....hee hee.

I'm not sure who the handsome chap husband wasn't interviewing Natasha on Monday, it was Tuesday I think.....

Oh, I am a sticky old with ain't I??

8:46 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

hahaha Dons.

Well, M's dad was even worse... I could tell some stories!!!!! I trump your trump!!

Lucy all I can say is: Gin, Gin and more Gin; go out and play tennis; dig the allotment; run out of/hide toilet rolls so you have to go shopping; get Nic to phone you with emergencies every other day at least; be ill; lock yourself in your bedroom with the laptop (and gin) and don't go back out.


8:50 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Oh God you poor poor thing. He is going to drive you insane honey!! He is just like my dad who has to 'trump' everything I say. His is always bigger and better. Oh no I've just done it to you too 'My dad is just like your FIL', sooooooo sorry I am empathising I promise ;-)

8:57 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Grin and bare it I say! it's only 2 weeks!!!

10:05 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...


10:06 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Hey Lou, I just had an e-mail from Sharon, she said and I quote, I saw Lucy Clark? at the end of the lovely, but you didn't tell me...i have been thinking of her, shall i give her my blog address, what do you think???

10:43 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

At least he can do math in his head. That's a rare trait these days ;)

10:46 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Gin and bare it, yes that's what I say too.

Don't eat the bottle too.

Bed for me, if I can find it.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

hahahah, missed that opportunity, although I did help her, that's your motto for the next two weeks, "Gin and bare it!"

6:24 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

oooh Luce, new friends.

Have you been blogslutting too?

9:09 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

Blogslutting? Dear me.

Yes, I've been busy up the allotment and other stuff. Well done on potatoing. I like to plant some things so that they make words when they come up. I think I will try "poo tit bum" next time and then I can take a photo for Calamity Tat.

Good luck with your father in law. He sounds like a nightmare.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Have a great weekend yourself.

Yeah, we're going for all three - although I'm not sure I'm very cultured (perhaps some will rub off on me) - but mostly just to be by ourselves for once.

Enjoy your gin.

4:01 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Blimey sorry about my comment coming up twice. Didn't know until I saw mum today and she informed me. Silly old blogger :-/

5:49 PM  

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