Thursday, April 20, 2006


Ten things I loved about Provence: (in no particular order)

1. Warm weather (apart from three days of the Mistral)
2. All the cherry trees and wisteria were flowering their heads off.
3. We were in Cotes de Rhone and Cotes Ventoux country! (nuff said!)
4. Boulangeries in the morning! (Croissant and gros pain!)
5. Nice tarts!
6. Wonderful restaurants and cafe society!
7. Dogs in restaurants.
8. Stunning scenery especially Mont Ventoux!
9. No telly (or computers!)
10. Playing scrabble and Mille Bournes in the evenings

Ten things I love about being home:

1. Husband is back at work
2. Kids are back at school
3. I am alone for the first time in 14 days
4. I can go to the shops on my own (including TK Maxx)
5. I can go to the supermarket on my own!
6. Tennis twice in two days!
7. I can blog all day (if I so desire!)
8. The promise of lots of properties coming onto the market. (soon please)
9. The wisteria isn't out yet so I have that to look forward to all over again (double bonus)
10. We have two cases of Cotes de Ventoux in the garage!


Blogger Meg said...

Yes, I can agree with No.1 on your list of good to be home. Boyd has at last gone. It's so nice to have the house to myself.

Lovely photos.

I love wisteria. Mine is nowhere near flowering.

2:32 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

You're going too fast, I can't keep up. Off to look at your more recent blog now.

Great pics.

6:05 PM  

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