Wednesday, May 03, 2006


"Do you know who Jeff Beck is? Do you KNOW who Jeff Beck is?"
"Yes, of course I know who he is, he recorded 'Hi, Ho Silver Lining', I DO know my music you know"
"Not just 'Hi, Ho Silver Lining! He's only one of the best guitarists ever, you know"
"Really? I didn't know that, oh. " ************************************************************************

I'm afraid that when I was 23 I thought Jeff Beck was only famous for one thing and that thing was that song that we all high kicked to at school dances. A one hit wonder. Lucky I thought that then because impressionable person that I am, I might have made a right tit of myself on the day I met Jeff Beck.

Jeff Beck's house was in the Sussex countryside. More than a house, a mansion, ancient and rotting. Full of dogs, guitars, rugs, flagstones and dirt. The abiding memory of his house is one of filth, filth and guitars. The kitchen was full of dirty cups, stacked one on top of each other in the sink, on the drainer. And animals, animals everywhere. Luckily we ate out.

Jeff Beck was a vegetarian, so was I. We bonded over the vegetarian options on the menu. I had no idea I was having lunch with a living legend. We walked into the pub together and were treated with respect and deference. It felt special being in the pub with Jeff. They must have wondered who I was. I wish I'd known what I know today, I would have milked that moment....... (or made a tit of myself)

The boyfriend who had taken me to Jeff's house was his friend. This boyfriend was rich, very rich. We went to Jeff's house in his Range Rover. We could have gone in the Aston Martin, but there would have been no room for Jeff in the back of the Aston. There was room for Jeff in the back of the Range Rover, which is where I made him sit. My boyfriend was cross with me for making Jeff sit in the back. I didn't care...

I don't remember much else about my day with Jeff, I wish I did. Looking back on it now and knowing what a legend the man is I wish I'd paid more attention.

I met Jeff again a while later at the boyfriend's house. I was just passing, and said hello. Jeff must have wondered who I was.....


Funny how life is full of coincidences. Many years later I got a cat from the mad lady who'd I'd caught a glimpse of at Jeff Beck's house. At the time I was told she was his mad, ex-wife, ex-model who lived in a house in the grounds and had millions of stray cats. She later began a cat charity in Lewisham and I got a cat off her. I could see how beautiful she was straight away even though she was scruffy and dirty, with long straggly hair, holes in her socks and grimy nails. I did refrain from telling her I'd seen her wandering bare footed in the grounds of Jeff's mansion some years back. She still writes to me to ask for donations and to ask after the cat. (The cat I'm afraid is long gone)


Blogger Tanya said...

Isn't her name Celia? she was once a very beautiful model if I am correct... what fun...My fav was Jean Shrimpton, she runs a hotel in Cornwall now and isn't scruffy...

8:52 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Yes, tat. Celia Hammond she was/is.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

You were cool and hip in your youth then. This was a super story. I really enjoyed it. Now what about the one about your husband?

I always used to choose my boyfriends by their cars when I was young. And no, it wasn't horses and carts in those days before you even think of making such a comment.

I don't understand the Matrix either.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Yeah, that's well cool. Even I would go out with a man if he had an Aston Martin!!

12:35 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

hAHAHHA, to the Aston Martin bit. I so agree with you about that! Aston Martins are my fave car of all time....

When we split up he drove me to Kings Cross station in it. I was more upset about not going in the Aston again than leaving him!

He was seriously rich,- he had a boat too - a great big gin palace that he kept at Chichester. His other cars apart from the Aston and the R Rover were a racing Renault 5 (seriously fast with a funny cut out pedal on the passenger side that I kept putting my foot on accidently!) and a custom made car that looked like a Panther (I think it was called a DeSande). Sigh, sadly he was bastard.

12:47 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

I left him for Andy.....who if I remember correctly had a white, Vauxhall cavalier (company car then), double sigh.

12:48 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

hahaha - I'd heard this story before, but this still make me laugh.

Tho' I hadn't heard the Celia Hammond bit (she's on a tape I have about animal rights - didn't look too straggly).

We had a white vauxhall cavalier in our garden for ages whilst my brother was a teenager.

12:51 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

meg - cool and hip? I don't think so....he wasn't cool or hip at all, just rich.

1:49 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

well Trac....OK then....

4:18 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Ooooh yes, please, company on the wagon would be nice.

Cath vach, that's me (sweet little cat, in Welsh).

Someone offered me lots of money for my car number plate at lunchtime. I was all for unscrewing it and handing it over but apparently it;s more complicated than that. I expect he'll change his mind. TT DE R (my initials). Why would anyone want that? Am I missing something? I'm asking the audience since my phone a friend has lost her phone!!

5:10 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

You like to brush up with fame don't you? I can just imagine you telling him to sit in the back of the car! Hee hee!

Anymore famous people you've met?

7:55 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Thanks for updating us. Now when you say 'have I told you about the day I met Jeff Beck?' we can all shout 'YEEEESSSSSS' hehehe

8:40 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

I didn't even bother to watch it tonight after being so confused last night. Perhaps it makes more sense after a couple of g&ts eh?

I'm having a bit of trouble with the chick peas actually but I can't say what. I shall have to enlist technical help tomorrow. Gerry is good with his hands!!

10:36 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Luce, what's happened to Luce Prductions?

11:00 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Dons: Are you clicking on the 'luceproductions' in my profile? I didn't use that because I didn't want other people to find this blog from that blog. My other blog is or use the link on my blog entitled beginnings of my website

Nothing has been added recently but will soon.... PS I love your crafty blog

11:15 PM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

Mmmm .. that story was really satifying - thank you Luce

12:27 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

I'll try that. I used the link from Lettuce's Niddy Noddy blog. I wonder if she knows?

7:39 PM  
Blogger Raymond Martin said...

Wow, materialistic, self-centered women only interested in men for what they can give them. What a bunch of distingusting cunts.

12:50 AM  
Blogger Barb Lodermeier said...

I loved Celia Hammond and love all the photos David Bailey took and put in his book "Box of Pinups". I saw the Yardbirds at Dayton's department store 8th floor, summer of 1966 and Paul Samwell-Smith was not playing bass, it was Jimmy Page, and I also saw The Jeff Beck Group with unknown Rod Stewart in March 1969 at the Minneapolis Labor Temple, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Love Jeff Beck. Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck and Frank Zappa (who was a very underated guitarist, were my four gods!

6:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well said! At least Celia did something worthwhile with her life and is widely admired for her work with cats. Speaking as one who worked at her sanctuary. What has the author of this blog achieved? Nothing but a crap brag about nothing, displaying how vain, shallow and stupid she is and what a worthless, empty life she has led. Parasitical cunt indeed. Jealousy is not an admirable trait. Tell me, who is this non-entity anyway?

8:36 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I met Jeff in 2017 through a friend called Richard and we went in his Mercedes . His house is so traditional and he’s restored it beautifully . He won’t sell his land to developers and he won’t modernise it .

Jeff is the most down to Earth , slightly anxious, funny guy I ever met and count my lucky stars I had such an amazing few years knowing him with our mutual friend .

4:36 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I met Jeff in 2017 through a friend called Richard and we went in his Mercedes . His house is so traditional and he’s restored it beautifully . He won’t sell his land to developers and he won’t modernise it .

Jeff is the most down to Earth , slightly anxious, funny guy I ever met and count my lucky stars I had such an amazing few years knowing him with our mutual friend .

4:37 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I met Jeff in 2017 through a friend called Richard and we went in his Mercedes . His house is so traditional and he’s restored it beautifully . He won’t sell his land to developers and he won’t modernise it .

Jeff is the most down to Earth , slightly anxious, funny guy I ever met and count my lucky stars I had such an amazing few years knowing him with our mutual friend .

4:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I met him October11th 2022 in New Jersey. Vibrant and very funny and kind.Besides being the Greatest Guitar Player Ever he was a wonderful person.Such a terrible loss.

10:41 PM  

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