Sunday, May 07, 2006


Right, I've tried to be positive about FIL for over a week but I'm afraid I now have to vent my spleen.

Today, I had to tell him I found what he was saying offensive and could he please refrain. Not sure if he took my point.

First of all this morning he went on about the fact he didn't get his winter heating allowance in Spain because he retired before 1997. But he went on to say that those with one house in UK and one in Spain still got their allowance. He then went on to say that if he'd been gay or disabled he would have got his money. I told him to stop being so 'daily mail' and it was patently untrue and he knew it. So I then got a diatribe about people having 13 kids and him having to pay for it. And so it went on. As you can imagine.

We popped into town briefly to get Alice some new school dresses from M&S. Andy's Dad waited outside with his pipe. M&S is opposite Primark and this is what he said when we came out; (This is offensive so be warned)

Him: "I must say Primark in Ipswich is much better than the one in Woolwich. In Woolwich the clothes were all over the floor it was a complete mess. It's because of the 'nignogs' in Woolwich making the mess"

I told him how offensive I found this (him) but it just washed over him. He's a fascist! I can't stand the man.

Over lunch Andy and I played the game of trying to get him to actually listen to something someone was saying. It fell flat.

Me: Graham did you know that Andy has run the London Marathon three times and that he ran the first ever marathon?

Graham: The first marathon was organised by Chris Brasher you know. I used to work with .********'s brother (an athlete who's name I don't know) and ....blah blah blah.

Now how is any of that actually related to Andy running the marathon?


It's enough to turn you to drink! But I'm not! I did have a sip of the bottle Andy opened at lunch, but only to just taste it. (just a sip honest)

I have another two bloody weeks of this man.

I watched 'Coast' today and the guy was in Wales and he said the word 'hiraeth' again. That's three times in one week! Honestly, it's like buses, you wait ages and then three come all at once!


Blogger ramblingwoman said...

ha ha Moonwalker! I don't think Jeff Beck was with the Moody Blues but he might have been. I know he played with the yardbirds.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

God, I couldn't put up with that. I'd have wopped him one by now. But yes, just play silly games it'll keep you amused and he won't even notice. That's what I do with the people like that at work. You can be so outrageous and they just don't notice.

You should have left him in Norwich last weekend - it's supposed to be the last "white city" in the UK.

don't give in on the drinking though. I need the company.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Gin and bare it, god woman why aren't you drinking? and who is Moonwalker and how come I don't know her? and how come 2 more weeks, surely not, surely not???

9:34 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Yeah, he has aged. But RW, how could you? You missed DT yesterday for an appeltise and then Trevor Eve for the guinea pigs. I think you've got your priorities a bit wrong my girl.

9:41 PM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

I'm surprised that you're only missing TV programmes - I think I'd be laying down with a "headache" permanantly with your FIL around. How on earth are you doing it, sweetie? And without the aid of alcohol too - you're amazing.

Re: your comment on my blog, yes I've been busy but also find blogging on my site frustrating 'cos I can't seem to get any pics uploaded and even getting text posted keeps going wrong. I don't know if it's my computer but even the most simple entry takes ages and needs more time and patience than I've usually got :o{

9:59 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

IT's the lack of drink Le Chat! It's befuddling my brain!

Tat - I'm not drinking because I'm keeping Le Chat company. And quite frankly it'll do me good. I seem these days to have NO willpower at all and if I was doing it on my own I would have folded by now! But doing it with LeChat makes me strong! (she should be a life coach!) Maybe I should go jogging with her too? Andy can't believe that I'm not drinking? Might make him think...but he's polished off a whole bottle since our late lunch (which was at 4)

Moonwalker is my very good friend who lives in Surrey. We used to work together in London teaching foreign business people to talk about their profit margins.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Life Coach. That'll be the day. It'd be a funny old life for you if I were your coach!!

10:43 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Good night. I have never watched Green Wing. Perhaps I should start? Dons had a photo of someone from GW that looked very much like Alan Tinsley. Not quite so orange but like him.

11:04 PM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

Yes, Le Chat, you really should watch the Green Wing before this series is over! It may take a wee while to "click in" to it but persevere - it's sooo worth it!~(:o})=

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

incensed for you too. Hope your spleen is feeling better.

talk later?


8:58 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

PS MSN Angry face

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie,
thanks for birthday wishes (from everyone!)- I have had a stonkingly good weekend.
Re - FIL, you could arrange for him to come with you to take Holly round to Byrons place, and stop for a nice chat on the doorstep or step in for a cuppa.
I have ILs who a similarly misguided, but they don't really mean to be mean. But I agree; if you don't confront him, he'll think it's Ok to carry on expressing offensive views whilst enjoying YOUR hospitality.
That house was just fab. Get it, and rent out a room to a struggling musician, whilst you paint or renovate. At least you won't have stock the garden!

9:08 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

How's the incense going?

12:23 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

You poor darling, how on earth are you going to cope?!!

3:08 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

all i can say is hurray for Andy and Andy's Mum...he is a difficult man, so beyond belief and good for you for saying what you like...whether he hears it or not...

7:39 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

This is not good. How has this man survived in Woolwich for so long without being killed??

You have got a lot of patience RW. I don't think I could have stuck it for this long, I really couldn't.

I think you should cook lots of foreign food over the next few days, preferably jerk chicken (with extra chilli). I think you should hide some rare roast beef in his shoes. I think you should start saying really horrible things in other languages in front of him, whilst smiling. When he asks what you are saying, just smile sweetly and say, 'Oh, it's just a little poem.'
Accidentally on purpose, while he is watching his favourite TV programme, go to the fuse box and gently flip the living room switch to off. Listen to the moans of unhappiness. Try to do it at a crucial moment - goal in football match, 'the murderer is....' in Poirot, some vital piece of news etc. Then spit in his tea.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Louby Lou, Dulcie was talking to Guy for real... you can make out the words in french, sleep, well the kiddies word for sleep, and all sorts of things she was trying to tell her Dad... I'm drunk again....

7:49 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

ha Betty. He's really taken the cake today....I mean REALLY taken the cake.

He's a man who only eats meat products wrapped in pasty, or cake. (and lager)

Yesterday I made a tea bread. In our house, (because I'm a bit anal about food) we only eat cake at 'tea' time. This morning when I got up it was half eaten. He'd been at it before he went to bed. Then tonight, after we'd eaten, he got up from the table in the conservatory in full view of us all and helped himself out of the cupboard to the rest of the cake. We were astounded! He didn't even offer anyone else any!!!!! If someone had done that in his house he would have sounded off or accused them of being obese like he did Alice inthe pub the other day when she asked for a snack. (Alice is as thin as a cheese string) I'm mad as hell tonight. Can you tell?

8:37 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

What a bastard. I'm that desparate for supply teachers, I'll take him. OK? Done deal? He can have as much cake as he likes as long as he's prepared to teach Yr 10 Maths.

I think you should def try some of Betty's ideas.

Tired this evening but chilling out in front of Fifth Gear - Vicki Butler-Henderson is nicer looking than Jeremy Clarkson. Hope the piano went well - I think I might burn ours!

8:45 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

I'm confused about it too (but I am very tired so it doesn't take much to confuse me). It's not chessnut cos there is an anon comment on his blog. I think he is Betty's friend. I hate all this. Wish I could be as resilient as Betty. Hope there are no more comments for anyone.

Yeah, it's the noise of the piano. Ruby plays nicely but Renee and James just thump the keys. If I forget to put the lid down at night the cat jumps on it first thing - she knows it will get someone to come down if she does it often enough. Bloody cat.

Yeah, Vicki is an ace driver. Silly FILly.

I enjoyed New Tricks anyway.

10:29 PM  

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