Tuesday, May 23, 2006


We had a lovely weekend in London with Lettuce, meeting Molly and Trac (and her family), and later eating out at a great Malaysian restaurant. On the Sunday afternoon we had been invited to Alice's best friend H's 'first holy communion' and to the 'after party'. We were looking forward to looking at all the little girls in their meringue style dresses and trying to explain to our two girls the business of 'church', 'mass' and 'communion' - sadly not up to the task at all! But unfortunately, we arrived just a few minutes late and were unable to gain ingress to the church, it being PACKED TO THE RAFTERS. It was peeing down outside so we just turned round and went back to Lettuce's for a bit longer (hooray). But we went along to the party when they were home which was very nice. By coincidence, H's parents, our good friends Mick (he of the marathon) and Cas, have a good friend made through their childrens' school who I went to school with and haven't seen since our school days. I've seen her a few times at Cas's in the past year or so and we've always got on. She's so funny. She's older than me, and being VERY catholic has just had her fourth (accidental) baby at the age of 43! She told a very funny story about how she was desperate to see the Da Vinci code and knew with a little baby she'd never get to see it unless she went to the special showing of it at the Greenwich Art House Cinema which offer a 'Big Scream' sponsored by the NCT. You have to turn up with a breast feeding baby (not breasfeeding as you enter!) and no more than two adults. She told such a funny story about how she saw a woman in the cinema with formula and thought about dobbing her in! And how, all these very, obviously, first time parents, but also had been successful professional people going about baby care with such a show off efficiency - men walking about with babies in sheeepskin papooses and making a great show of changing their baby's nappies on the stage in front of film as it was showing!


Last night, for the first time in her life (eight years) Alice wet the bed. Unfortunately, it was our bed that she soaked, plus her mother who was lying very close to her. When I woke up, I thought at first it was me that had wet myself! Alice has this habit of trotting in in the middle of the night and climbing in between us. We have such a large bed we don't notice it anymore and she more of less does it in her sleep. I hope this wetting was a one off! She must have been so tired if it didn't wake her up! Andy didn't want to get up and remake the bed so Alice and I went and slept in her single bed (my shoulder hurts this morning) while he slept on, on his side of the bed! I had started to remove the sheet so it was half off the bed...... (I know, ewwwww). But Andy needs his sleep, he gets up so early.... But ALL the sheets are now in the machine on a hot wash and the mattress protector is waiting it's turn. (you'll be glad to hear)


Having my hair cut today! And taking the car to the garage later as a light came on the dashboard on the way back from London the other day! Oh, I know how to live, me!

The estate agent has told me about an interesting house coming on the market this week....large, quirky, early Victorian.....has a chapel in the back garden! They are going to let me know the minute it comes on...I'm waiting with baited breath.


Blogger Tanya said...

Oh what a simply spiffing weekend. Great story about the cinema, never heard of that but what a good idea, i would love to have done that, as i breastfeed so much...Fingers crossed for that house and have another spiffing day....

8:06 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Thats just what I've envisaged goes on in the Picurehouse at those baby screenings, how funny.

I still remember weeing in my sleep in my sister's bed when I was little.... I often used to get in her bed.... hee hee, I wonder if she remembers that.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Oh what a night! Romy still strays into our bed and she is 12! Fortunately she's never done that but she moves so much in her sleep and snores that I always feel rough the next day.

Breastfeeding twins was always a challenge in public I can tell you! But yes the power parents are so funny aren't they. I love to watch them and listen to them lecturing on about how baby won't change their lives, as it vomits over their shoulder. Big Ted's wife was just like that with their first - she's different now!!

Hope the house is promising. It sounds it.

1:57 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

I'm glad to hear that Alice still creeps into your bed at 8. I was beginning to think I was a failure because I can't get Alfie to stay in his bed (he's 6 tomorrow). I don't even notice him coming in any more!

7:18 PM  

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