Saturday, January 20, 2007

My week.

1. Travelling in a mini tornado is NOT good.

Poor Lettuce had to wait hours for me on Thursday as the train had to go slowly in case of trees lying across the track or something. On the way home the train journey took three hours instead of the usual one and the train was packed!

On the plus side though - I got a seat and spent my time doing the hard crossword in the paper. I managed half before I was forced to text my parents (who do it every day) and ask them for some help. The reply I got back from my dad was "Your mum is having a gin and tonic and doing the Sudoku, try later" Hmmm......

2. I like red wine far too much to give up. I'm a bit worried about my drinking. I've become quite good at red wine. We get ours delivered from a wine company and every bottle we get from them is so drinkable and never rough. They do say a couple of glasses a day is good for you. But could I stop? I have no desire to, yet I think I should - at least to see if I could.

3. I need to start painting again. Going to the Art Show on Thursday was so inspiring.

4. I love London. There's no place like it. I still feel like a Londoner. I lived there for
twenty years - half my life and I do miss it and need my fix every so often, but I don't want to move back (yet) - not until the kids are grown up. In an ideal world it would be nice to have a flat there and spend my days going to the theatre and art galleries in the winter and spending the summer in our villa (mwahaahahahaha AS IF!).

5. I need to get up earlier (it makes me feel more in control if I have more time in the

6. I'd like to drop some hours so I have more time to play tennis.

7. Sometimes I feel like an outsider in this town.

8. But that's me not the town.


Blogger lettuce said...

Well, it gave me extra time in the charity shops. Not enough time with you though. And I'm sorry you had such a long long journey home.... not that I claim responsibility....

Yes, I like wine far far too much....


1:24 PM  
Blogger y.Wendy.y said...

It's hard to give up the wine, but it IS do-able..I did it for 2 weeks...just had some last night. Ooh 2 glasses knocked me for a six.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Well yes Dorothy travelled in a mini tornado and look what happened to her! very colourful it was, sounds like your day was too up in the London of Oz... still waiting for my e-mail YAWN...

6:18 AM  
Blogger Pod said...

i bet you wrote 'darts' as every answer you didnt know in the crossword? oh and is richard stilgo your dad?

8:45 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...


That was me.
But she'd signed in.
No one is meant to know.
Please delete that comment.


Tell no one.
You know nothing.
You come from Barcelona.


10:33 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Richard Stilgoe.

(as I've said before, I think)


10:40 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

I have tagged you. Go to my blog to see what it's all about. D x

6:41 PM  

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