day 7

Hello, Well that marathon eatathon is now over, phew! Got up this morning feeling not too bad but MSG'd out really. But had porridge for brekky which mopped up the cholesterol! It does seem from reading this I do protest too much from eating fatty foods but, as those who know me know, heart disease runs inthe family so saturated fat is to be avoided if possible. Anyway, A felt that he was just TOO stressed and had far too much to do to come out for Sunday lunch with C and M and children, so I went along with H and Al, C and M were mightily disappointed that A hadn't managed to come especially M who seemed stressed and unhappy to be amongst women and little girls. He's a man man! We had a lovely lunch ( a bit expensive though - might have been the Kir Royal I had before they came!) After we walked into Greenwich market and had a mooch around. M went for a pint to be among men and the girls walked around the market. They went home by car and took Al. H and I walked up through Greenwich park and got a bus (as we had got a bus there). Went to C and M's for cuppa tea and A came along for an hour. Then we said our goodbyes and came home. C and M had given us a lovely wooden key hook that they got from a craft fair for our new home and they are coming to visit in our new home on December 30th. They are lovely and our true friends.
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