Well, a few things to say, blog. Went out last night with 'the girls' to this local pub. Thought it might be a bit staid, because let's face it lots of women my age have got to become a bit weary and boring.......but NOT a bit of it ....they are all really cool and in my opinion, not a bit boring. One woman had recently been to a Hen Night in Brighton which was a session of pole dancing!!! They turned up, had to get dressed up in outrageous clothes that had very little material and had a lesson in pole dancing, then had to do it!! This woman said that her husband never had a picture of her in his wallet before. He does now! Typical, men only love us when we are dressed as hookers doing pole dancing!
As for my husband, he's not loving me at all at the moment. For the ten minutes I saw him yesterday he was still grumpy and made the comment 'this place is a mess, what have you been doing all day?' (well, surfing the net, chatting on msn to S, riding my bike around and doing the telegraph sudoko, anything wrong with that?). I jest, I had done all the requisite things a 'housewife is supposed to do' including spend at least an hour and a half making our dinner which was a recipe off the Sainsbury's calendar 'duck wrapped in cabbage leaves' (actually it was delicious), then straight after school , taking youngest to tennis lesson, followed by the both of them having their olympic swimming training until 8.30! Huh how dare he?
I think he's feeling a bit bad for being moody because he phoned me today and was cheerful and interested in my evening. However, I was in the middle of my tennis session so couldn't talk! He has to go away next week on business, I think that might be stressing him out, let's give him the benefit of the doubt shall we?
There was a car crash outside our house this morning. No one was hurt but the guy had to wait with his car for the recovery lorry. I let him use our loo and gave him a cup of tea, I felt a little uncomfortable letting a stranger into my house when I was all alone, this house is so private with all the doors and windows facing open countryside that I feel quite nervous sometimes. But hey, I'm still here and my karma is in the black!
Pole dancing hen night. That sounds like fun :-)
So is A speaking to you now? remember when you bought those sofas and A got cross and you had to unbuy them? what are you like? sounds like you're starting to find your feet there, good...
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