pleasant pheasant

There might come a time in the not too distant when the rabbits in my garden become such a nuisance that I go out and with my twelve bore and take potshots. THere are so many of them now, surely when spring springs, they will proliferate rabbits!
But that day hasn't arrived yet and today I opened the curtains to see a fluffy bunny sitting on the raised bit between our garden and the field, standing on his hind legs with his ears up - quite a picture postcard. (or sitting target!)
As for the pheasant, he's taken residence under the tree with the bird feeder on, catching the little seeds that fall down. And they say pheasants are thick - not this one! He might end up as lunch one day, when the Country Living magazine runs a feature on hanging game!
Well, last night hubby threw a major strop with me. And I wasn't aware I'd done anything worse than book our summer holiday! However, we tried to get a Brittany ferry and having left it to the new year as opposed to September 2005 to book our ferry, there were no places for the friday night crossing (Portsmouth to St Malo) (that we always take). This, was all my fault, somehow, for not consulting with him about the day we took the house, and why did I pick the first day of the school holidays when everyone will be on the boat (will they?) He didn't talk to me all night and only managed a goodnight through closed lips when he went to bed.
I emailed the owner, who said we could take the house on the friday instead, so we will take the Thursday night ferry instead - sorted. Bastard! (is that too strong?)
Watched 'you are what you eat again' last night - bloody hell! As for the pooh - do we really need to see that?
Isn't it funny the things that are our fault? I'm in trouble for clearing the pantry so that 'him outdoors' has to decorate. He is NOT happy!!
Christ I hate that Gillian McKeith woman. It's not normal lookinmg at other peoples poo. It always makes me laugh when she says that they stink!!! Well yes, funnily poo does stink, I've yet to encounter one that doesn't, hahahaha
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