I'm happy!

Hello blog. I'm happy, and I'll tell you why!
Went to tennis this morning. Played my favourite game of all time badly for two hours, that made me happy. But that's not all.....no not at all! After, yes we had coffee, and that was lovely too but that's not why either! There's a nice woman, my age, who goes to tennis and she asked if anyone had any wellies size six that she could borrow. I said she could borrow ours, ah my generosity paid dividends...let that be a life lesson to us all. She came back to mine, borrowed the boots and stayed for a coffee. That was at 1pm. THree hours later, I'm back through the door after going back to hers, looking round her LOVELY house, and meeting her gorgeous dog and generally chatting about life. I really like her, she's lovely. I think I've made a proper friend. AND she invited me out for girls night out in the pub next Wednesday! ALSO, got invited to go to the pictures tonight by another woman, it's Mrs Henderson presents, but hey, I'll suffer a not so good film for the opportunity to sit in a cinema with someone I know!
The other thing she did by showing me her house and her neighbourhood was prove to me that I can't live in the country and am happier with a community around me. Where we live now is neither in a village or the town but between both and therefore, in no man's land.
So now I have my friends in the blogosphere and friends in the real world! Things are looking up!
Btw the picture is of the Corn Exchange in Ipswich. All the goths hang out on the steps. I think all the goths in Ipswich go to private school!
One of the women at tennis lives here http://www.otleyhall.co.uk ! She lived in Highbury with her hubby. Sold up 2 years ago and moved into this! Gordon bloody bennet!
Bloody gordon bennet,quite! yes I remember B, she was a jolly good example of a british pathalogical liar, do you remember when she jumped into charlton pool fully clothed? Saw mine tonight outside school, i was busy talking to real people so I limply waved and turned away, too nice to ignore people me.
Nice gaff! Wow that's great that you're making friends, it will really make a difference. Can we see a picture of your house and the area that you're in?
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