tennis everything

Hello Blog, I'm aching ALL OVER today after playing tennis for two hours yesterday. God, I thought I was going to keel over! I tried my hardest as I was a Newbie, going to every ball, running all over the court, pulling every muscle and having a face like a Belisha Beacon - that dates me, noone knows what they are anymore!
But the tennis was great and the women were all really friendly. We had coffee afterwards. Another of the women was new to Ipswich, so we bonded. Both their husbands are 'something in the city'. By the sound of it they are something more than my husband! But hey, who's comparing (not I, never!) Anyway, the tennis took up the whole morning....which was nice.
Oh, yes, Broke Back mountain and Jake and Heath, what a good gay western that was! Obviously a book and the ending wasn't Hollywood-ised. The characterization was excellent. I've never seen Heath Ledger in any film before but I thought he acted the shy, introvert really well.
The cinema was completely full and I was asked to move up to let a couple sit down, it was plainly obviously to the people to the left and right of me that I was alone which I felt rather self-conscious about. But hey ho, let them think what they like. Next week, I'm going to watch JarHead (Sam Mendes). The reviews that I've read say it's not a classic like Three Kings (which I love) but the scenes and cinematography are fabulous.
Going to London next Saturday to see the Contemporary Art Exhibition in Islington. Meeting S there, we plan to go out for Japanese food (can't wait) and a foreign film after! What culture! Have to have my fix!
H is going to town tomorrow to meet two friends outside Marks and Spencer. Naturally, mother is very anxious, as she's never been anywhere on her own before, but it has to be done. Gulp.
Well, that's all for now. Got K coming over for dinner tonight as C is abroad so he's on his ownsome. Have to be restrained with my drinking and eating. Diet going well, my jeans are feeling loser already. (keep it up Luce, ed)
Anyway, the blog name is apt, I am prone to rambling!
Oh, yes, R, if you read my PGCE application, it asked me what aspect of teaching had I been reading about in the news, or a book or publication. I, naturally have not been reading anything about education so I cited the AST, in my old school - that's you R! as my own personal text book, and all the tips you'd given me about classroom management and creating a nurturing environment!
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