still hump day, or I've got the hump day!!

Well, it's only half past eleven (am) and I am adding to this blog. I REALLY must get a life!
Outside school today I knocked someone's mirror with my mirror. Our car being superb design was unscathed, the mirror just pinged in. But the other car's mirror (a people carrier) broke, and the back silver bit was left on the road. After delivering children, I went back to look and it appeared that it had just come off and could be put back on again. I hovered around a bit not knowing what to do and then decided it wasn't really damaged so left. Now I feel really guilty! I phoned A (naturally, one does!) who said don't worry they can just put the thing back on. I keep fantasising that lots of parents are going to gang up on me in the playground! SHould I go looking for owner later tonight and offer to pay for any damage? Maybe I should....
Also, I have developed a serious Daily Telegraph habit (yes, I know, my mum's fault for getting me into the crossword). Anyway, they've been running this special fitness, and emotional detox series which I've been following. Today, it talks about where you should be in your forties (I'm 41, yes, I know don't look a day over 30!). Bit scary. I should be much more sussed than I am. Apparently I should have full control over my finances and know that I am well covered for my retirement. Well, A does all that. I'm just a child in that respect - must try harder.
Have been enjoying the new Tittybangbang especially the maid who says 'i'm shy, don't look at me'!! ha ha very funny.
Well, as it's still only morning, expect more later from this saddo!
Hi Lucy. I'm enjoying your blog too :-)
It takes a while to get into a different pace of life. I felt very homesick for London for a good 2 years after I left. I wondered where all the like-minded people were (still do sometimes) and missed the shops of course.
I like the look of your summer house in France. Have they any other weeks free this summer?
Hey Lu, do you want me to remove the link, what are you paranoid about? You already mentioned M might read it and you went ahead anyway..... must e-mail you later...what on earth is tittybabnbang, i have british tele, what am i missing?
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