Wednesday hump day (I wish)

Speaking of 'It's me or the dog' last week, there was a bulldog who 'humped' everything that stayed still long enough. Poor Al, being 7 didn't realise that 'humping' meant trying to mate it and her and her friend were simulating 'humping' in the playground! When a boy said to them 'uuhhh you're having sex, the penny dropped with Al. She was quite upset about it when she got home as she hadn't realised (naturally). I await the social workers any minute!
DIdn't go to flicks last night. Factotum isn't on until next week so stayed in and watched a lovely family programme (NOT). 'you are what you eat' - oh my God. A man who was eleven stone overweight! Followed by 'it's me or the dog' - no humping this week, I'm pleased to say!
I'm going to e-mail S later today, I wish I was there for her too, still she has Netty up the road doesn't she, Nettys a tower of strength even though she's a slip of a thing, cripes I've missed you all this week, S, You, Netty...remember the good old days? for S before the shit. Remember when M's sister left her husband? She went back, maybe he'll realise he's making a huge mistake!!!!Dunno......
Dear Lucky Lucy,
You have so many friends. I have put my blog up for sale after a crisis of confidence. I'm sorry that I have removed your comment, but I was worried about the 'drugs' reference, doing most of my writing in EH and I thought I might get blocked/sacked. I'm not sure if I'm coming back. My head is really hurty and so is my heart.
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