Hi Blog, was thinking about lookalikeys today after a man in Woolworths the other day, came up to me and said I was the spitting image of Fern Britten, "but you're not as big" quoth he. Ha, bet I am! Thinking of other lookilikeys , my brother in law Kevin looks like Noel Edmonds - judge for yourself!
Well, apart from my Daily Telegraph habit I also have a radio 2 habit (aarghh, what am I turning into!). But, I was thinking, maybe in London I was overloaded in the sensory department because I never listened to music the way I listen to it here. Today, I heard a Beach Boys song called Heroes and Villains. I've never really listened to the Beach Boys before, yes, I like them, but this time I heard all the little things in the background - it was lovely, it was as if I was stoned!! Maybe, really, it's because the kitchen is small and therefore the music more amplified, I don't know. Anyway, listen to Heroes and Villains again to see what I mean.
I went for a bike ride today. I've been riding my bike every day in a bid to get fit and so far I've managed it! (good for me!) I saw a house on the Rightmove website which has just come up, so I thought I'd ride over to this village and check it out. The advert said that the village was little known - I should coco, I couldn't find it and I took an ordnance survey map with me! Still, I got a lot of exercise!
The girls had their second swimming lesson tonight. They don't half take their swimming seriously in Ipswich! Millions of the little darlings ploughing up and down, up and down. When I mentioned this to Andy, he said, oh, yes they do that, Karen Pickering trained at Ipswich Swim School, (who she?) They must be doing something right because Al dived in today for the first time ever. In London, she hadn't done her 50m - now she can dive in the deep end - what's that all about then?
Oh, by the way, the house we will be staying in is in Brittany - so those that need guaranteed sun every day, forget it. However, it's beautiful, fantastic biking country and from this house it's a good walk to the nearest creperie/bar - but dooable. And, it's very quiet. The people who own this house live in Paris. They have four children, and are a bit perfect actually. She's a writer and he's a financial director of a company in Paris - I know, I've googled them. They are in who's who!!! They have a Royal Name!!! (I won't mention the name) When I asked them why they didn't want the house themselves in the summer they said they go to SOuth of France sailing in the summer and use the Brittany house for weekends from Paris! Oh, how the other half live! I will ask if they want to rent it out to someone else. Btw the price is 1500 euro's per week which for a five bed gaff with a maid is cheap, non?
AND furthermore, Tittybangbang....can't believe you've not watched this. A new comedy programme, women doing funny sketches. Can't tell you when or what time it's on, I'm not that anal! Apart from ER, Thursdays at 9 - religious broadcast you know!
What you mean a bit perfect like my children! Crickey how the other half live indeedy. I went to bed last night thinking about you and of how pleased I am that you have a blog at last. Now I can really keep up with you all, it's great. I'm getting the bike out today, we can be the village bikes again but in our own villages :-) Fern Britton hahaha, you're much prettier :-)
and slimmer if I remember rightly!
The Beach Boys are fab, especially their period around Heroes and Villains. The harmonies are perfection. I would love to cycle but there are far too many hills in Devon and I can't fit all 3 kids on at once, hahaha
oh btw, I think your BIL looks nothing like Noel Edmonds, and you always had lot's of friends, it's hard when you move to an new area, you'll be fine
Hey, you lot. I need your help. Can you go to my For Sale sign and put in an offer on my blog. I need it for an artsperiment I'm doing. Anything from 0.01pence upwards!
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