good morning!

Hello blog! Well, it certainly was funny/odd going back to our old manor. But I had no wishes to return to be honest. Though youngest child, A found it very difficult. She cried when we left and said 'why did we have to move when we were happy?' oh god, how we screw up our childrens' lives. She's been the most happy here really, settling in and making friends as if she's never been anywhere else. It was difficult for her to see her old house and that they've changed it. And she had a sleep over with her best friend and it was hard for her to leave such familiar surroundings.
BTW blog, we discovered the reasons for hubby's grumpiness. He had a Harley Street (insurance) consultation about his pelvis (which was fractured last year in bike accident). The bit of pelvis that broke off has not healed at all and is just held together with scar tissue. So he has to choose, stay as he is or opt for surgery to pin it back together which would mean incapacitation again. He hadn't told me he had an appointment until he got home and when he got home he shed a tear, which is EXTREMELY rare for my man I can tell you.
We had a lovely weekend, although I'm too old for this lark - I felt so rough and so knackered when we got back last night! Woke up on SUnday (at E and R's) morning with hangover and burning aesophagus from too much wine! (that never used to happen). But the worst thing was the creased face that didn't uncrease and still hasn't!
But we had a lovely lovely time and it was great to see our friends. Also heard big news! Woolwich has a Costa Coffee! We really should never have left!
We also heard a funny LIDL story to add to Trac's. Lidl put funny adverts in local press to say what's on offer that week. They always offer weird esoteric things like bike locks or wet suits (!!). But the other week they offered DVD recorder/players for a song. Our friend M thought 'that's a bargain, I'll venture over to LIDL in Welling and buy one'. Having just dropped his children off at school he arrived at LIDL at bit before it opened, only to find millions of Welling types (you'll know what I mean), milling around the door, pushing and shoving. The minute the doors opened it was like the beginning of the 100 m at the olympics. Old ladies pushing him to the side to get to the DVD players! (He did manage to get one, but only just!)
Well, let's see what pans out this week... nothing planned except hubby has trip away to Bonnie Scotland for three days, so girls and I will be alone and scared in this house because we are SUCH wimps.
One last thing, took H to see my sister who is a nurse practitioner who said that H has a lovely condition called Tinia something or other, which to us , is RINGWORM!!!! She was able to prescribe all sorts of fungal washes. She either caught it from one of the farm children (joke) or more than likely her Guinea pigs. Quite glad it's not eczema actually.
Crickey brave Man I wouldn't venture to Lidl in welling for any money! Costa in Woolwich, well I never, what will the woolwich crowd make of that. Glad your weekend was fun, we've got a resident roocket robin too, although yours isnot such a rocket more of a kick the bucket robin, sorry paint fumes, they make you go dolalee
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