comedy opportunity

Morning Blog! Do you know that I have been blogging, oh, for about three months and have omitted to say that our rented house also happens to be on the site of a 'pet cemetery'. The reason why is because I haven't got to grips with the technology of hooking up my camera to the laptop! In our old house, we had a lovely desk with computer, scanner, etc and the camera was hooked up and it was easy peasy. Because we haven't really unpacked properly, I have no idea where to find the cable. Frankly, it could be anywhere in any of the hundred or so boxes in the garage! Hubby probably knows though. I will ask him tonight and get on the case, then I will post some lovely pictures of all the gravestones of 'our lovely dog Rex' and other such gems. You see (how do I make that link just, 'Tat'?), dogs can be lovable! (I went online to look for image of a pet cemetery and found an image of OUR pet cemetery!!! SO this is it! I have to point out it only takes up about a quarter of our garden)
Watching, (How do I make that just 'Life on Mars'?) last night it suddenly occurred to me that it's all wrong. Why? Because, in 1973 all that decor, that looks so tired and old in Sam's bedsit would have been hip and happening then. His old wallpaper would have been Sanderson's latest line. So, in fact, if they wanted to give him an old dingy bedsit they should have put sixties/fifties or before furniture and wallpaper on the wall. God, I'm becoming an anorak. As (same again, just Lettuce?) will tell you (she is my erstwhile cinema partner), I missed my vocation and should have been a continuity expert. I'm always pointing out things in films that are wrong, especially when they try to do lots of different seasons in one film - they pretend it's summer, and put all the wrong flowers in....yada yada, yawn yawn. I'm boring myself with my train spottery tendencies.
Thought I would be FREE today as girls go back to school but youngest is complaining of bad headache and tummy ache. As I seem to have the same symptoms, I'm letting her have the day off today, so I am stuck indoors. S'pose I'd better do some housework......
My brother called me yesterday to say that his very, very rich friend who has just sold his company for about five million dollars (no exagerration) liked a painting that I had done for my bro and he'd seen it on his wall. My brother gave the rich guy my email who is thinking of ways of spending his gezillions. So, I might get a commission to paint a couple of pictures. What's touching and worrying is that my brother thinks I am talented and can dash paintings off just like that... but I have no muse at the moment, maybe the thought of earning money might just do it for me.... He said I should put my paintings on a website for people to peruse. Well, if I can't hook up the camera to the laptop, what hope is there for me? (Ed. No that's not the attitude, blogsters are cool, techno savvy people, so go find out!)
I got on the case and worked my sidebar out but can't do the inside links - someone help me please! Also, new side bar links, hope you don't mind me putting you on but saves me finding you from Tats and Trac's links!
this is odd, i replied to trac's comment but it's got lost!
Anyway, thanks very much Trac. When my brain has stopped hurting I will attempt to be technical!
I started up another blog to put paintings on... watch this space.
Ohh ahh missus, hello sailor, ship ahoy, i like trucking hahaha
more technical help needed - I WANT A WEATHER PIXIE! I found out how to get one but don't know where to put it on my template. I found two things that said 'put text here' so I did but nothing happened....frustrating.
Have you done anything other than blog today? Get painting woman!!! Your muse probably doesn't feel wanted unless you get your paintbrushes out.
btw, Capote doesn't start till Feb. 24th - so you've not missed it!
Goodness, you lot are busy bees. It's such a lovely atmosphere on this blog. I love it! I am feeling ok now. I have to take it steady though, and not rush things. I'm finding the blogging therapeutic though and releases lots of tension/stress. I love reading yours and love the paintings. They are very atmospheric. We are cool artists!!
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