Hello Blog!
Yesterday I went to Jimmy's Farm! You know, the one off the telly. Professional city type gives it all up and sets up farm and it's all televised? Well, I had no idea it was so close to Ipswich! After tennis my 'new friend N' said "I'm off to Jimmy's farm to get some sausages. Fancy coming?' Well, with an offer like that I could hardly refuse and anyway, I say yes to all offers that come my way because I might not get asked again - I take nothing for granted, new friendships are precarious or 'prick-hairy-ass' as hubby says every time he hears that word (sigh). So we went, and it was as you would expect, a muddy farm full of trendy pigs (they are trendy you know, I mean Liz Hurley has started breeding them...um maybe they aren't then) and a great big f*** off farm shop full of all things glorious!
In my bid to create a social life for myself I also said yes to N's offer of doing an HGV challenge for charity (OMG!) I have to drive tanks, double decker buses and lorries! What on earth was I thinking? I really must learn to say no to some things!
Do you remember the hip trendy woman with the Pink Floyd covers? Well, I went to her book club evening on Wednesday night (after Olympic swimming and meeting old friend from Charlton). I had a great time. Just the sort of book club I like, lots of wine, snacky things and only half the group had read the book! Brilliant. All the women were great apart from one who came across as great but could get annoying after a while, you know , over confident, loved the sound of her own voice and liked making us laugh. But she was a character, just a slightly over the top one!
My other new friend C who owns Otley Hall invited me to make up a four in tennis at her house today. So that's where I've been, at the Hall darling. What a place! She had white peacocks strutting around! She's a really lovely person (I feel like I should say 'though' but no, she's a genuinely lovely person.)
So, half term beckons. My oldest has a Valentine's disco tonight. She's SO excited. She came out of school yesterday and said 'I really need some silver pumps for tomorrow, I've seen some in Primark, pleeeeeese can we go and get them' and me, push over that I am, took her into town to get some. She confided in me that she's bought a boy a Valentine's card and a box of Heroes (chocolates)! What?? I had to tell her straight - she's to do no funny business like kissing - 'Oh Mum' she said 'Yuck'
Hubby and I don't do Valentines. We always said that we shouldn't be pressurised into making shows of love and affection but should do them spontaneously throughout the year. Hmmmphh, as if THAT ever happens! (well, he does mend my punctures, does that count?)
I remember my first kiss, his name was Valentino...do you believe it? He was slightly old, perhaps 15 to my 12...and it was at a dance as well...that's all i'm saying
Oh God, that over confident woman who loved the sound of her own voice and making you laugh?... sounds just like me.... was I there too then? How embarrassing!
do you know that when I put 'overconfident woman who made me laugh' I thought, hmm that does sound like a lot of my friends actually..hehe. Perhaps she and I will become bessy mates!
Dear Lu,
How come you get so many messages? This ain't fair! I'm going to start complaining soon.
I do hope your interview goes well. I'm rooting for ya! You will be fantastic! love you loads,
Wow what a simply spiffing time you're having with your new friends :-) Did you buy any of Jimmy's sossies? If so, were they nice?
My god how the other half live hey what, loud over confident woman, who makes you laugh, i wasn't there!
I think you're doing really at making mates Lu, remember how we met in the swimming pool lanes? now however you have real posh friends not at all like your old london ones! Have you kept in touch with that woman i never liked, what was her name? I think you know who I mean!
How sad that the only skills you need to get on TV nowadays are to be an incompetent farmer, a failed businessman, photogenic and a friend of Jamie Oliver.
And young with long hair.
So they can mix in trendy muzak and make it look cool.
Wonder how much the licence fee is going to go up????
Her Majesty SocialistoRepublico£
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