Our shower is small and walled on three sides with a shower curtain over the open side. This morning I got into the shower, turned the water on and then pulled the curtain over only to find myself face to face with the thing in the picture! It was about 4 inches from my face and looked like it was actually licking it's lips! The funny things on its bum (you can see in the picture) were opening and closing in readiness to latch onto my only too abundant flesh. This might be what saved me in fact, it just couldn't decide which acre of flesh to jump on! Oh boy, did I scream! My girls were short of a whole hamper at a picnic as they refused to get a glass and a piece of paper. Somehow the glass and paper were infected with spider! So what did I do? Brave woman that I am, I slowly pulled the shower curtain back across so the spider was enveloped in the folds of the curtain and as far as I am aware, he or she is there still, wondering why it went all dark and where it's dinner went! It's dinner scarpered that's what! That's the problem when the weather momentarily warms up, the spiders all come out looking for a square meal (or a rotund one in my case)
Got a letter in the post today inviting me to come for an interview, 27th February for the Secondary Teacher's course. It said that the interview will last three hours and I will expected to do some English GCSE questions to prove I do actually know something about English! Well, dear blogsters who read this may have noticed that my grammar is poor and my spelling is sloppy! I use far too many commas and exclamation marks!, I've been on to Amazon and ordered an English Grammar book. You would never believe that I used to teach English as a Foreign Language! I've just become lazy in my old age and I never go back over my work and check it. Expect better grammar from now on, innit!
My oldest daughter made some bread last night. We cooked it this morning. Sadly the girls are at school so are not able to sample warm, homemade bread, but their mother is! She is greatly enjoying the loaf and finding it very hard not to finish it! (exclamation mark) Where did my diet go? I have no self control....
I can't write what I said when I saw the spider ... 'thank you' for sharing ... not.
English teaching studying grammar ... hehehehe, me too. The Turks used to tease us about it. I'm learning it all now that I'm learning Nederlands. (Read whatever tone you like in that information ... I'd quite like you to imagine quietly confident actually. My Belgian is the king of grammar, speaking a number of languages, sometimes he can't believe what I don't know .... sigh, the shame)
There's a marvy book titled 'Good Grammar' by Graham King, and begins with a blurb about how Kiwis, Australians and Brits were subject to a blanket ban on grammar being taught in schools ... I liked him, and the book is friendly.
Diet schmiet ... we've all got SAD
I hope the interview goes you can see my grammar does not fare much better, eh. My grade seven teacher hated grammar and shoved it at us at the end of the semester, when she had no choice. She was a great teacher, but I wouldn't recommend her crash course grammar treatment.
Oh me no likey spiders too, me would have been likey you.!!!!!!!!! Thanks for e-mail, I am working on the site so will reply tomorrow me dearie....
Oh you silly mo, I simply asked Trac if a dachshund dog was a sausage dog? well is it??
I am better with spiders these days. They used to make me feel sick with fear, but I would hate to see one in my shower next to my naked body eeeeeek!!!!
P.s Use those exclamation marks with pride :-)
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