I'm touched. (no don't comment)

Hello blog, just thought I'd record why I am so touched! Went to see this lovely Georgian house yesterday. Took hubby, who had his very sensible head on. In the cold light of day we realised that the area is just a bit too dodgy to let pubescent daughter wander alone. The house
is perfect but the next door house is a very large mansion type thing with lots of horrible additions on the back and is a centre for dysfunctional families (I was told). So, sadly, I had to see sense. But, this is why I'm touched; the woman (hip one with the Pink Floyd photos) wasn't there, her mother (or mother in law) showed us round, but she (the woman) left me a note inviting me to join her Book Group! Oh, how nice people are! I hope she's mature enough to still want to be my friend now that we're not buying her house!
After we'd been to see this house we went to the Volvo Garage (oh my God, I read the Torygraph, listen to Radio 2, and now we're going to buy a very sensible Volvo!) Looks like we're going to get one....hehehe.
H went to town with another group of friends yesterday and returned unscathed. I was a little more relaxed about it too. She's been having friend problems at school recently. They've been getting into little cliquey groups and one of her hitherto good friends has started ignoring her. Coupled with this, personal comments about her appearance have been said, which was making her upset and not wanting to go to school. I went to see her teacher, who I thought would be completely ineffectual - he's a bit of a wishy washy man (I thought). But no, give the man a medal (in fact I want to send him a thank you card, but H won't let me!). He got all the girls into the library and gave them a talking to about friendships, and personal comments etc. He also, said that H had been upset by their behaviour. The perps apologised and said they hadn't realised they were being hurtful. Let's hope this is the beginning of a happier H at school.
Finally, a big welcome to LettuceEater.
Girls huh, it's the same here, floss was ignored by a group and whats more one of them was here for lunch the day before, i find it hard to hold my tongue.. now what suprises me is this letting H into town, I haven't even let floss so that yet, what does she do, where does she go, what's the arrangement, tell all, so do you want a sneak preview of the homepage only you didn't ask?
oh, i thought i'd seen the homepage? on ebay? or is that different?
well, town. This time I dropped h at her friends and met the other mum who takes them into town. They wander round, oasis, tammy, riverisland, mcdonald, poundland...... then themum metup with them three hours later and took them back to H's friends for a play. SO they don't take themselves into town and it's all pedestrianised so no roads to cross.
wow, three hours I am really impressed Lucy, I've not done that yet, what would mine get up to for three hours i don't know, do you give her money? I said only yesterday to floss well once your're 12 you can do all this yourself, come into town, have a coke shop, clearly I am behind, cause I live in the sticks... I've sent you a link to my WEBSITE home page, the link on your blog is to my ebay shop, that's completly different, let me know what you think, ignore errors it's still under construction....
I popped by, via euro-trac. I did enjoy wandering here ... hope the bookgroup offer stays open.
kind regards,
It's a girl thing and they all do it at that age, sad isn't it?
I saw you mentioned the word gusset on Tat's comments. I just love that word, makes me snigger every time, hehehehe
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