sublime to subliminal

My friend S (who I'm always on the MSN with) has had a problem with her sleep patterns since time immamorial (have NO idea how to spell that word). Well, ask her anything about ways of getting to sleep or staying asleep and she will tell you, but so far none of them completely effective. However, I heard on the radio (yes, radio 2) that lettuce has a soporific effect and should be eaten before retiring! I passed this nugett of information onto my friend S, who quite frankly is desperate for good night's sleep and willing to do anything! Anyway, last night, whilst Question Time was on (incidently) she happened to come on line (we are always signed in on laptop) and we had a chat. She said she was just about to eat some lettuce and a banana and a warm cup of milk. Well, we discussed sleep for some time and then she went off to bed (after eating her lettuce). But for some reason I was completely wide awake! I stayed up and watched the Culture Show (very good actually) then went to bed although I was still wide awake. Then, I just couldn't get off to sleep - this never happens to me! I think my friend S, in her bid to find sleep cures did some funny voodoo on me over t'internet! Bet she slept like an effing log last night!
Hubby arrived back from Scotland, safe and sound, but with a cold! We partook of a bottle of cabernet stroke shiraz and a large packet of walkers sweet chili sensation crisps. Do you think this might have had some effect on my not sleeping......hmmmm
Oldest child has been invited to play at child of my swinging friend tonight!? I told hubby about this woman. I think it's the only time I've had his complete, undivided attention for more than five minutes!
Just intended to read your blog - ended up with my own blog account!!!!! just so i could leave this.
Sorry about the voodoo - didn't work for me anyway!
So tell, how was the sleep over? where's the juice Luce?
hmmm, you should have had more wine ...
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