Ang's the Man!

Sitting here over my coffee this morning, not yet 8 am and kids are still in bed (no school till tomorrow) so thought I would record my thoughts on various things.
I watched the Bafta's last night. I thought Heath Ledger was acting in Brokeback Mountain when he did his shy, closed lips thing, but he's like that in real life - good god man, open your mouth and look me in the eye when you are speaking!
Jake Gyllenhaal (sp?) is like a lively incoherent puppy. David Putnam made me cry copiously. Dickie Attenborough is getting SO old it hurts. Isn't it sad somehow to see actors/people in the media getting older and reminding us of how we are getting older too? I was shocked to see the voice of Wallace (in Wallace and Gromit) looking so frail. It happens to us all... hopefully.
Thandie Newton impressed me, and she's an excellent actor. Rachel Weiss (sp) seemed pretty together too, and she was great in the Constant Gardener, as was our dear Ralph! (shame he's split with Francesca Annis).
I'd managed to have seen all of the films that were up for best film except Capote, which had completely passed me by somehow.
I was really glad that Crash won some awards as I thought that was a fabulous film and I really love Matt Dillon.
Lastly, Stephen Fry has become portly and very middle aged, but I'm quite fond of his pomposity and the fact he knows every word in the English language (and no doubt other languages) and uses them daily!
Oh, yes, must mention George Clooney. He used to annoy me. I used to think he was smug and had an awful smirky face. Now, I think his face is still a bit smirky but, boy, is he talented!
I also watched the news last night and was shocked to see the disaster in the Phillipines for the first time on the TV. How tragic. What with all my worrying about finding a nice house for us to live in, I also realise that it can all be taken away from us in a split second. All those people just buried under that thick mud....can't bear to think about it.
Well, that's all for now. It's now just past 8am! What a rambling woman I am! Have a great day fellow blogsters!
I like Stephen Fry too. Did you see the 'Who do you think you are?' special about him He was cool in that. It was very moving.
Oh, I just looked at the house. You don't mind if we move in there too, do you? It's gorgeous.
I didn't watch the Baftas but now I'm kicking myself if Jake Gyllenhaal and George Clooney were there. I adore them both.
Can't agree with you (or anyone else it seems) on Crash though. I watched it this weekend and thought it was far too clow, preachy and pointless. Was v. disappointed. Oh well, it would be a very boring world if we all agreed on everything!
I do agree with you on Heath Ledger and Stephen Fry though.
I know what you mean about Crash. It did have iffy reviews. And yes, it can be a bit 'preachy'. Americans just love to morally educate their audience - ER does it all the time, which annoys me.
ps. Thanks for commenting!
yes, i think George Clooney is getting better with age.
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