Friday, June 23, 2006

Busy Weekend Ahead!

Whilst cooking up a feast today for our guests arriving tomorrow, I listened to the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2. It was all about 'affluenza', ie. the need to have money and spend money that our nation seems to be suffering from. The guest speaker said that if you are motivated by monetary awards and posssessions you won't experience happiness. Rather, what makes you happy is 'flow'; that is, doing something that absorbs you totally, which could be a job or a hobby. Other things that make you happy are interacting with people, this means not only your friends and family but also your community. He also said that those people who watch a lot of television suffer most from 'affluenza'. They see things on the TV - people with stuff and great lifestyles and think that they should have it. He went on to say that in today's society people have the most enormous mortgages, mortgages that they can't really afford. This made me think. Why am I worrying about this house malarkey. I have tennis! I have my allotment! I have my painting! I have you lot! I have a social life! (and today I also had horse riding). I have flow!

So, I shall stop stressing and thinking that I am merely treading water until I OWN something, and continue to enjoy the summer as I have been. I'm off to London today to meet my good friend Sue at the Tate Modern (it's open until ten on a Friday, I think it's to attract single people, wonder if anyone will hit on us?!!) and then we're going to wander along the south bank, and find a lovely place to eat. I shall try and remember to take some photos.

Tomorrow we have Cas and Mick and children coming for the weekend (he of the marathon), and, of course, England vs Equador! (can't wait!). By the way, weren't yesterday's matches exciting!

Well, bonne weekend tout le monde! Have fun, and remember to go with the flow!


Blogger Identikit said...

Oh I think I'm doing that OK!

Hopefully the wine will flow tonight too. Have a great time in London and with your friends.

You do have a lovely life and you should make the most of it as it is now. Live in the present.

Affluenza eh. I wonder if there is a bird version?

How was the horsey-riding? I'd be too scared to do that.

4:07 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Horse riding was rather sedate actually. They gave me a very ploddy horse and they wouldn't let us canter because the ground was too hard. ptb. But the countryside was gorgeous, just riding a big steed was also wonderful!

4:26 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Hope you had a good time today with Sue. Yes, you're right about the house/mortgage thing, I think.

Go with the flow.
Oops, Wendz already said that.
Plagiarism investigation coming up.

Not free on 15th/16th July are you?

6:34 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

yes, I think we all have so much to be thankful for and enjoy all the moments big and small... just the other day my 7 year nephew Joshua was talking about the possibility of pirate ships on Georgian Bay way back in the 80's...1980's we're talking! But that funny comment has made me smile more than once. Having a relationship with him is way more meaningful than the latest clothes, kitchen etc., says she of the second story!

6:34 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

yes, I think we all have so much to be thankful for and enjoy all the moments big and small... just the other day my 7 year nephew Joshua was talking about the possibility of pirate ships on Georgian Bay way back in the 80's...1980's we're talking! But that funny comment has made me smile more than once. Having a relationship with him is way more meaningful than the latest clothes, kitchen etc., says she of the second story!

6:35 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

sorry, I don't know why my comment was published twice...I'm word verification challenged!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

What was that you like riding a big stud, well I never.... flowing me.....

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm Trac... and I'm an Aquarius.

"flow...t, flow...t on..."

Oooops, I'm singing again. We know what what this means. :O)

9:14 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Yep I'll go along with that. I think that is why Paul and I are going to put our house on the market soon and get something smaller. With 3 members of 'staff' keeping this bloody great house ticking along we have no time to live and enjoy our hobbies!

Hope you have a lovely weekend, flowing and stuff ;-)

12:20 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

have a good weekend.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Cream said...

This post inspires me a lot Rambler!
You may have read that I am more in the content than the container and I have applied this to everything I do...
I would never spend £300 on a pair of shoes but I never think twice about blowing the same amount on a meal with friends...
For me good memories are much more important than possessions...

I am delighted that all of yous why not chuck the lot and get a commune in the South of France, grow giant courgettes and drink Rosé for breakfast...Loved ones are invited too!

11:41 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Hilarious Cream! Thanks for that clip. Haven't seen it for years.

Also, I'm up for the commune in the South of France!

12:03 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

So sorry about my bad french at the end. All manner of mistakes! I should really learn to think before I write.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

What a Man that Cream is, is he spoken for I wonder, he could be my reserve husband Number 4! Need one in the Uk I suppose, oh hang on it will have to be number 5 as Nick is number 4... blar blar blar... I agree with Cream....

2:01 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Sometimes I think we are all wanting and wanting and wanting the material possessions in life that we don't stop and think what really matters. I have found out recently, that you can lose things quite quickly if you are not careful. Sometimes we focus on getting this, getting that...sometimes, to be honest, the want and the need is much nicer in a strange kind of way than the actual getting. Think of the traditional sigh at the end of Christmas Day. You live for the moment. Enjoy your friends and get out there and enjoy yourself. You have so much joy in your heart and your face says it all. Get out there and share your wonderful self!

8:49 PM  
Blogger Cream said...

Rambler, don't worry! In French "weekend" should be feminine really as in Fin de semaine...
Come to think of it, I always think "week" is feminine... Funny but because I speak French when I say words in English, in my head they ARE either feminine or masculine... Strange! We'll have to ask Kitty about this...

Tat, man, I'd love to become husband Numero Cinq but I don't really fancy my kneecaps smashing!

8:56 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Commune in the south of France with you lot - what a wonderful dream! Sign me up.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Oh yes, I always think of words as masc or fem too - I think its drilled into your head so much as a child that you can't help it. I get them wrong all the time in German if the genders diff from French. Very embarrassing.
Time for a new post RW.

3:59 PM  

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