Friday, June 09, 2006


Isn't it wonderful when the sun shines!

The badminton set that I ordered on ebay has arrived. I shouldn't have bought it though. The net seems to be made of gossamer and is only four foot wide! (what a waste of money). Got a lecture from Andy about how I should have gone to 'Toys R Us' and got a proper one for less money. I might do that anyway.

I have to stay in this afternoon as we are taking delivery of a new/old bed for Alice. I bought it from a shop that does up old metal beds. When I bought it, it was in a state, but the guy has sandblasted it, and has painted it off white/cream and put bedrails and new slats on it! I hope it's OK and not a mistake like the badminton set. This would be rather a costly mistake to say the least!

I noticed on the front of a 'woman's magazine' Rachel Hunter. Reading the article about her, I discover that she is the same height as I am but weighs about ten stone less. How can that be? I always assumed she was one of the 'bigger' models, yet she must be skinny! I weighed her weight when I was in primary school! ptbb! (that's bugger on the end).

The editorial of this magazine made me laugh (for once) on the subject of body confidence:

"And with it that ticklish subject of body confidence, which is never far from most women's thoughts - particularly when the warm weather means that hiding under layers of woolly jumpers and wraps is no longer possible. Or even, Heaven help us, the annual appearance on a beach when many of us wonder whether it is actually possible to swim in a sarong - and why was the idea of bathing huts being wheeled down to the water's edge allowed to die out, anyway?" (Good Housekeeping, July 2006)

Here here, bring back the bathing machine!

Well, the world cup starts tonight! How excited are we! Andy is doing the 'Fantasy World Cup' thing. He did it eight years ago, but it was just the local paper one and he WON! Nice cash prize if I remember rightly. This time though he's doing a major one like the Times (not sure) with an enormous cash prize!


I forgot to say earlier (so I'm adding this at midday) that last night I went to see a French film called Lemming. If you are planning on seeing it - forget it! What an odd film it was. It looked promising, it had Charlotte Gainsbourg and Charlotte Rampling in it (in French! - didn't know she spoke French), but it was a weird thriller with an element of the supernatural in it. You just didn't know what the film was going to do next. The film lurched between no musical soundtrack at all to really loud music, although some of the music was very interesting.

I looked at some reviews of it when I got home (should have done that before I went!) and most of them are bad but some of them say it's a cross between a David Lynch film and a Bunuel - which I think is about right. But the Lemming was good!

Oh and I found these on youtube. They made me laugh so much. I've put these two on because one relates to my diet at the moment and the other I think is just plain funny!


Blogger lettuce said...

Glad to see ptbb getting some usage!

bathing machines, haha! that reminds me, I have a fab photo of my gran in her youth, with friends, in long modest bathing suits - wet and see through!

sorry to say, we couldn't be less interested in the world cup in this house..... sorry

7:37 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

thank goodness blogger finally let me do something

7:38 AM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I feel honoured that I am being asked for style tips :-)

I am a bit of a handbag fanatic. I have many and tend to use different ones for dfferent occasions, eg I have my brown leather slouchy one for normal day-to-day, my polka dot oilcloth mini satchel for bootsales (as I only need to carry purse, phone and car keys) and a vast array of Cath Kidston floral oilcloth bags in all shapes and sizes courtesy of my good friend, and champion bag maker, Lisa. If I had to choose one for this season I would go for a brown leather slouchy number with the beautiful L&A sausage dog charm hanging from it of course! Next have a good selection, I don't normally 'DO' Next but their bags are lovely this season. They have a choc brown leather slouch or if you wanted soemthing smarter, their large tote.

Hope this helps :-)

9:58 AM  
Blogger Cream said...

Ooooh, Rambler are you interested in the World Cup itself or Andy's potential windfall?

I can't wait! I love Footie even if all our restaurants suffer when England plays...

11:08 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Yeah, def beers for footie.

Sweeney tennis, eh. So funny.

Pah to all that weight business. Everyone has a different right weight, who wants to be like a stick. Although I suppose it would make it easier to avoid being hit by tennis balls (or should that be Dennis balls?).

12:27 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Great vids. About time for another series I think.

Have you watched the last Green Wing yet?

5:10 PM  
Blogger Cream said...

Catherine Tate, she's great!
Remember the one Charlotte Church?

6:08 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

I think the slugs must have got it.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Everything on blogger has just been mad these last two days. What a nightmare. What a nightmare! It's all gone blog-shaped. Frantically writing and trying to catch up with people.

8:06 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

boo hoo hoo, my blogs gone.

I'm melting, melting, melting.....

9:15 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Nooooooooo Lettuce it can't be.....

10:37 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

BTW RW you don't have to go into a Next you can look at their directory online, that's what I did.

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well... there you have it! I've got one - I am a style icon after all!

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poo tit bum bum

10:46 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Goodmoaning to you, would lurve a phone call and then I could say my french swear words! not to you of course! well fingers crossed for CL, I've sent the stuff and the homes editor will let me know...

7:51 AM  

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