Why, even though the clothes looked trendy on the hanger, they make me look like a fat Russian peasant woman? Why is Andy in such a bad mood because he couldn't find the TV remote control? Why did he shout at the children? Why are both children trying to finish off their half term projects at 7pm on the Sunday before school starts? Why can't I get my youngest daughter to do anything I ask her without her telling me she hates me?
Aw, forget about the awkward children. They are the same here - vaguely bothered about going back to school and being uncooperative. James couldn't find his PE shorts - and whose fault was that? His cos he didn't put them away in a place where he might expect to find them? Not on your Nelly, it was mine for hiding them somewhere. What sort of sad cow does that eh? Wanders around the house hiding PE kit?
Andy has got the Sunday eve blues too. He's thinking how much he will miss you when he goes back to work tomorrow.
I bet you look wonderful in your new clothes. Who are you to judge? And there's nothing wrong with Russians.
Get yourself a nice glass of wine and chill out in front of Top Gear in a minute. I'll be there, sleeping on the floor next to the cars again, perhaps someone in the audience will drop me a Quaver or two.
Oh Baby, join the club!!
Top Gear! I love Michael Gambon...he is the coolest!
He was so funny the way he went round Michael Gambon too. I nearly knocked my wine over.
Are you happier now?
Is that the lady with the boobs on her blog? She never visits me!!!
hahhaa, yes, it's Antipo.
Yes, Michael Gambon was 'way cool' (as the youngsters say these days!)
Oh, I'm feeling happier, just made a major clothing mistake thinking that anyone less gamine than Kate Moss can do the peasant floaty skirt thing and not look like a cookery teacher!
Annoyed with Andy cos he's eating us out of house and home...he eats too many bananas and random bowls of weetabix throughout the day! I have to keep going to Sainsbury's and spending more money. Do you know Sainsbury's get more of our money than anything else we spend our money on?
Oh, and I bought Ben and Jerry's icecream cos it was two for a fiver and he's nearly eaten all of that! (and I'm on a diet so not eating it)
Oh and one more thing..... I've had my allotted share of Chianti Classico tonight - even though Andy continued to sip it throughout Top Gear.
Oh and one more thing... I want to watch that 'spiral' thing on BBC Four but the girls don't seem very tired. I AM taping it though.
Oh good. Spiral thing? Can't be bothered to go look at the paper to see what it is.
There was this thing in the Sunday paper about first names and what class they placed you in which I thought would be fun to blog about but I can't find it anywhere on the web. Bloody annoying. I've given up.
I'm with Andy on the bananas though - you just can't eat too many.
oh, I just missed Le Chat.
Luce you do not look like a fat Russian woman, you are gorgeous. Not that there is anything wrong with fat Russian women.
Pour yourself a nice G&T and do some blogslutting. And remember - tomorrow you'll have the day to yourself!!!!!
Antipo's never commented on my blog either. :o(
I did start to watch TG ... mind you, I was babysitting at the time ... didn't keep it up/on very long I'm afraid... Too occupied crotcheting with platic bags. Michael Gambon the actor? aka Dumbledore? what was he doing on TG?
You blogslut, Letty! Michael Gambon was mostly driving over grass verges on the Top Gear track. But he was very funny and yes, cool. He didn't wear his wizard robes though. I so much want to drive that track - so so much. I think I will write to Jim'll Fix It.
Glad I'm not the only one who is shunned by the booby one.
That 'spiral' thing is French! French police thriller. Very good.
BTW I can't the word verification thing right tonight. Three attempts and let's see if this works!
Oh, is it in French then? I should have watched it, if so.
I was sort of hoping that Kristin Scott Thomas might appear in response to Jeremy's text but she didn't. I really like her.
Anyway, time for bed. I so don't want to go to work tomorrow.
It's a sunday evening thing honey buns. Hope today is better when you have them all out of your hair. I still have Alf, today is non-pupil day.
Oooooooh look at Lettuce :-)
Hahaha.. nothing wrong with fat Russian peasants Luce!perhaps when they get dressed they say "Oh my god this gorgeous skirt soooo makes me look like a british housewife!" think of it that way......
Men, Guy is the same, if I can't find the controls I just get up and turn the tele over, men have to make a song and dance about it!
Kids, the same everywhere, no one escapes the wrath of kids, but it's a sign that they love you, love and hate are so easy to say.... I would worry if my kids kept it all inside....
And BTW........You are gorgeous and I have always been your biggest fan....
I thought of you today whilst I was weeding, (nearly wrote wedding) hahaha, my cucumbers and courgettes ;-)
"I do,take thee,Courgette as my unlawfully wedded husband!"
ha ha Tat. I thought of you today because I planted my courgettes in my allotment today. It said on the packet that they have to be kept moist at all times!
Oh dear, that sounds horrible. Things that are moist all the time tend to attract the slugs and snails. Well, perhaps not all things but I'm sure courgettes would if they were moist.
Are courgettes and marrows the same by the way? This is a sensible question (not something rude) - are they just overgrown courgettes or are they a different variety.
Yes they're swampy or marshy plants or something like that my dad said, we water morning and night because of the heat and I can tell you they grow overnight...I just took 3 very large courgettes down to my beautiful nieghbours..
Yes, le chat, marrows are engorged courgettes.
oohh err mrs....
power's out, and I'm the only (grown up) home, nothing to do but comment on Ramblers blog. Engorged gourds - whatevewr next?
GMT + 6 in my neighbourhood - she typed carefully - interesting spelling of 'neighbours' noted earlier, so legitimately on the RW, ...she justified.
Anyone else following Rolan Garos (no idea how to spell that correctly). I was well into the Hewitt game and they switched coverage to the bloody cricket! Reluctantly got into a half decent film on HBO called ‘Off Season' and the power went out - so no idea how either of them ended. Cross, cross, cross...
Got that off my chest anyway.
So Rambler, looking forward to some yummy courgettes. When will you harvest?
What lovely comments. I'm not sure if lil' old me can top them...
1. You do not look like that. You look lovely. I was so jealous of you and Lett and Trac when I saw you last because you all looked so lovely. I was so jealous of your silky dress. As I said, and I'll say again...you looked so vibrant I thought you would set the world alight. You were so lovely and gorgeous. You really did look the best I'd ever seen you....relaxed...beautiful...glowing...charming...really, really lovely.
And as for the other stuff...they really do love you. I was most impressed with Andy...thought he was charming. And your kids are beautiful too. Some days we just have to let off steam. Just let off steam I say!
I find that a little bit of honest banter does a hell of good. So, get bantering!
Love you loads RW! And everyone else in this 'ere comment box. Lettie...last time I saw you walking up that road near your house...you took my breath away you looked so lovely...
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