Comedy Sheep
At the Suffolk show this week, we saw some sheep, and then more sheep, and then some more! I always thought sheep were cute, benign looking creatures but some of these look plain menacing! Some of them resemble cows, some dogs, some monsters and some childrens' toys! But all, I think you can agree are the oddest looking creatures imaginable!
I've been planning on starting the 'get fit and lose weight for the summer holiday diet' next week but today I had a BIG shock! I never weigh myself (too depressing) and try really hard not to be obsessed by my size and to live life to the full anyway. However, I weighed myself a few months ago as Andy had the scales out when he was training to climb Mont Ventoux. I was pleasantly surprised, I didn't weigh as much as I have done in the past! Today, I weighed myself again and I was exactly the same, and then to my horror realised that the scales were stuck at that weight and couldn't go above it! After a bit of jiggery pokery I fixed the scales and realised to my horror that I weigh much much more than I could ever have imagined. So, the diet has started NOW!
I have decided to log my eating and exercise over the next few weeks on my 'luceproduction' blog. It's boring, but it might help me keep on the straight and narrow until my holiday. I need to. My friend Wendy with the swimming pool in her garden has been threatening a pool party soon! (OMG!)
Reggae Sheep is my favorite. Did he have a Bob Marley poster in his pen too?
Sheep are more stupid than cheese, I think I once said to Trac for some reason which is lost on me now.
Good luck with the diet thing. Sorry I can't join you. I will be soon - I stood on the scales again this morning and I had put on 3 pounds since yesterday morning. Surprising, since I thought Quavers were a low calorie snack!
You should only try to lose weight though if YOU want to, not cos you care what anyone else thinks. Skinny isn't always so attractive really.
Kitty, you said Sheep are more stupid than cheese on my blog once... Still trying to fathom out what you meant!
Midnight Skinny dipping in Greece and ice cream feast...My kind of diet!
Wine is my downfall!
wow, Cream, I'm impressed. You've def not succumbed to Alzeihmers yet.
We are having such a lovely afternoon here. The sun is out and the sky is blue and . . .
There are about 15 teenagers in the garden in various states of undress trampolining into a kiddies paddly pool. Ruth and I have had a go too. Such fun.
better go back outside to my beer and to Ali, who is all over me like a rash this afternoon (I shall not let her have so much of my beer ever again).
kitty, do you mean ali as in 'chest wig'?
I wish my kids were trampolining into a paddling pool. We have neither a trampoline, nor a paddling pool, something I must remedy posthaste or postwith or herewith, or something.
ROTFL at those sheep! (again)
Yes, Reggae Sheep was my fave too.
How stupid is cheese? exactly?
I'm off forthwith to get a G&T, heretofore.
hahaha oh god no Ali is not the chest wig!! Sorry, I'm still laughing about that! Ali is actually called Ali and she is the wife of our head of MFL but when she gets drunk (after about 3 bottles of Bud) she is anybody's and today she has decided that she is mine!! Not who I would choose to share my Quavers with but still . . .
Cheese is pretty stupid. Where does the apostrophe go in goat's cheese though. Is it one goat or more? Perhaps it's me not the cheese that is stupid. It's OK with sheep's cheese isn't it cos Sheep is plural and singular but not goat. Oh dear! Am I drunk do you think?
apart from apostrophes in goats' cheese, another cunundrum is
fresh cut flowers or freshly cut flowers. Whenever I see that sign I always wonder if the person who wrote it actually knows which one they mean..... and I'm not drunk.
Um, freshly cut and cut fresh. I see what you mean. Is "freshly" an adverb? I guess Freshly cut means recently cut and fresh cut just means that they are cut flowers which were fresh before they were cut. Not the same thing at all, I suppose. Cos freshly cut flowers could be manky old flowers that just happened to have been cut recently. Or is there some kinky undertone to all this that, as a foreigner, I am missing out on completely. My grammar is very bad.
I@m too pissed for this. I forgot Dr Who too.
Honestly, enough of the grammar you two. Desist forthwith.
Do you not think, Kitty, that your public admission might put your relationship with Trac in serious jeopardy?
Oh God no, you don't think so, do you, Lettuce? What will I do if Trac doesn't love me anymore? Please don't tell her.
Drunkeness is no excuse for missing the Doctor!
Two n's I think. Or are you pised or hamered or platered or somthing simlar?
Yes, definitely got the munchies tonight but I feel a bit sleepy. Might just be a packet or two, don't want to overdo it.
How about you? Are you starting on your multipack yet? You know, having five packets was easy, I think it's getting started on the third that is the hardest bit - you know the effort of opening the packet etc, Inearly gave up at that point but well . . . I perservered for you!
Oh those sheep are cool. Reggae sheep - hee hee.
Don't you dare start dieting. You are lovely as you are. Truly lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely. We love you.
You lot are having fun over are all lovely.
That's my word of the week. Loverly loveeeerrrly.
Laughed out loud at your stuck scales incident, RW, tho' I know it's not funny really :o{
Don't worry - now the weather is warm the weight will drop off much more easily.
I'm here RW, always here, don't know lately but can't be bothered to comment or blog much...Strange mood I am in. hoever just left a post as you left a comment.
Funny about the scales, i had a set once that were always half a stone lighter, only realised when I weighed myself on a friends in france! don't have them now, trouble they are and not good when you have girls in the house, get rid of them NOW!!!! NOW i tell ya....
we have a pool and a trampoline but we can't bounce into it with it, too dangerous i fear....
You hear, get rid of those scales.....
Whoops I fear you have been hoodwinked! Father's day isn't until 18th June!
Oh and glad you liked the TB and yes it makes me cry every time I think of him dying too young. Spookily his son did too at the peak of his career!
PTB the weather's gone cloudy here.
Yes I know what you mean! M identified him before I did (hang my head) tho I knew I knew him. I thought of you.
(Hi Lu!)
What are you two like! I now have that copy of Casanova and intend to watch it soon (promise). Lettie and I have a standing joke because she once lent me a copy of 'Belleville Rendezvous' for a couple of years and we never got round to watching it and then she asked for it back!
We gave M a DVD of 'Three Kings' which is a really good film and both he and Lettuce have NEVER watched it and that was about five years ago (I kid you not)
Still no sign of LeChat then!
I'm here! Did you miss me? (Actually I mustn't say that cos Trac just goes on about her aiming skills).
Yes, the best sort of weekend.
The trampoline is 12 ft and it takes adults but only about 2 at a time - I think it is a 20stone limit. But we have all bounced on it together and the teenagers sit on it in the evening and gossip and it's never given way. I got it locally but I'm afraid I have no idea how much it was.
Badminton is great unless you have got wind!!
Well I also loaned (lent?) you my copy of Romuald et Juliette and I think you had that for at least 3/4 years, and NEVER WATCHED IT.
So there.
PTB. M and LG went to the co-op yesterday specifically (partly) to buy NOT DIET.LOW-SUGAR tonic - Guess what they came back with????????
Where's this pool party then? Eh? Eh? I'm ready for a party!
Chianti on special offer. We've never had it so good!
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