Wednesday, June 21, 2006

same old, same old

Isn't nature wonderful!

I'm so glad I have my allotment, it's keeping me going. I went yesterday after having neglected it for a about five days. What a lovely surprise! My courgettes are romping away. My potatoes are all up and thriving (six rows), my two rows of broad beans have all germinated and are showing a few leaves. My sweetcorn is about two inches tall! My pumpkin plant is about to flower. My artichoke has artichokes on it! The only 'failure' is my french bean patch - two rows of seeds - four plants! (trying to think of something witty to say about the french there and failing).

Nicola phoned me the day before yesterday to get advice on handbags of all things! I should have put her on to Dons for fashion advice. In the course of the conversation she told me that she'd heard that I'd leafletted my roads of choice from someone on the dog walk in the park. Also, this person had been greatly disgruntled that I'd knocked on some doors of houses that I particularly liked to ask if they were selling. One lovely but 'fally downy' house did not answer my knocks and so I asked a neighbour who was in their garden who lived there and did they know if they were likely to sell? This woman was very friendly (an ex londoner, blah blah). But she'd obviously told a friend/neighbour who was very cross about this predatory/speculatory attitude of this 'incomer'. This news immediately made me feel paranoid and I had the overwhelming feeling as I went to bed that I didn't want to move into a neighbourhood that gossiped to this extent. I had the feeling that I wanted to go home! (except I don't want to go 'home' to London, which no longer feels like home but I wanted to go somewhere!). I'm over it now....I know it was just probably just one person who was gossiping and I shouldn't take it personally.

Nicola and I are going horse riding on Friday! First time in years. (GULP)

Oh yes, I've applied for a job! (I've been waiting for such a job to come up!) It's as a 'proctor' at the local secondary school. Don't ask me what that is....something to do with supervising lessons and school trips and stuff.


Blogger Identikit said...

Proctor eh? Sounds very impressive. Don't they get to sort out exams and the like? We don't have one here. Obviously we're not grand enough. I did have a bursar for a while but he went to Wales and then the job title was changed. Good luck with it anyway.

Moonwalker is right about not feeling paranoid. Some people will always gossip, they can't help themselves. What you did re the leafletting was a jolly good idea and I have nothing but for admiration for you.

Meg had a problem with her peas - only a few appeared. I hope I got that right, I dont always listen very attentively when the conversation moves on to gardening.

12:27 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

I was going to say the same as Moonwalker, don't be put off by one old gossip.

I love the sound of your allotment.

The Boden bag sounds fab and if you can get it at sale price, even better. It's the sort of bag that will get better with age too.

2:19 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

I'm beginning to get on my nerves (big time and more than usual)

Just finished leafletting all my roads of choice. As I walking up and down I kept thinking 'these houses are very close together, the gardens aren't very big, there's only a tiny bit of off road parking, we'll miss all the outside space we have here......SO, (BIG SIGH) I phoned long suffering Andy and asked him if we could possibly increase our offer on the 'two expensive house'. At least we'd have a big house, garage and garden in a lovely area.

(Now here's the science's not that Andy (on his salary) can't borrow the money, it's just whether or not we are prepared to have our monthly mortgage repayments that large, if we could afford a 25 year mortgage it would easy but Andy only has 17 years left before he retires, which makes our borrowing more expensive)

So here's the question: Does anyone out there know of the cheapest cheapest type of mortgage? Or can we get one for 25 years even though we only have 17 years left? I'm sure no one can help me........ will have to engage a mortgage consultant me thinks....but it's scary - what if the interest rates go up? We'll have to get a lodger!

4:56 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

please excuse my glaring typo's in above comment. Huh, and me an (erstwhile) English lang. teacher.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Sorry but Doctor Proctor knows sod all about mortgages. I fear you will have to seek proper financial advice.

Are you sure though that you want to go down this route of being financially seriously encumbered? The girls are growing up and it's REALLY expensive when they go to University (Doctor Proctor knows all about that!) and you want a LIFE not just a house. I suppose when you get a job the extra payments won't be so bad but even so.

Anyway, hopefully someone on blogland will have some financial advice for you. Sorry I haven't, I just don't want you to be too broke to take those ski-ing lessons but I do want you to have a nice house that you are happy in.

Too difficult, isn't it.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Well funny you should mention the peas... My Dad bought us some french beans to plant, he planted loads and only 3 came up! curiouser and curiouser! Investigate Lu will you...

7:12 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

I say come to france, I've always said that...

7:14 PM  

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