Sunday, July 09, 2006


Here's a picture of me in my cowboy hat (seeing as you lot had done it!) Doesn't look much like a cowboy hat does it? It's frayed...which I like. I could have bothered to put a bit of makeup on couldn't I? Well, no, in my boringness I couldn't even be bothered to glam up for the world wide web.

Well, it seems I've been away for ages. Bangla Jess has now gone (for now). She'll be coming to Brittany with us in two weeks time.

I intend to STOP drinking as of tonight until the night I go to Brittany (a week on Friday).

Not only has Bangla Jess and two of her children been around but I've also been doing other things. On Thursday I went to Hampton Court Flower Show with Nicola and her friend Jane, and on Friday, I went to Swindon to meet up with my oldest friends Bridget and Caroline and their children (not forgetting Bridget's new husband too - but he disappeared off to the Marlborough Jazz Festival for the whole of Saturday) - oh, and their dogs (yawn)

So, anyway, I feel a bit stressed and boring. No house news. I gave up on the BIG house. I saw sense really. Andy has not tried to persuade me to buy the footballer's house, so we are back to the beginning, hoping that one day a house will come on the market that suits us all. I'm half tempted just to buy a place in the south of France and carry on renting here until the kids leave home and then scarper! But, no that is not to be.

I left Andy here on his own for the weekend. When I say on his own I mean with my sisters and family. He seems to have been wined and dined amply - at a restaurant one night! He also went to see the Pirates of the Caribbean! You see, I leave him for a weekend and he turns into a party animal! (well, sort of). He seemed happy when we returned from our weekend away and had managed to make most of the World Cup Party Food for the hordes that descended on us for the evening. What an exciting match! What a fool old Zizou is. His butting of the Italian player caused a large argument in our house!

See, told you I was boring...

Just remembered - When I got back from Swindon yesterday, Alice went to check on the guinea pigs in their run and they weren't there! Much panic ensued and we all got snagged and stung as we walked the periphery of our garden calling for the guinea pigs - as if! I'd asked Andy to move their run so they had fresh grass to eat and he of course (in typical Andy fashion) had not bothered to check that the run was flat on the ground and had put it on a bump so the guinea pigs made a bid for freedom! The Cemetery Two, they were for a good forty minutes. I had visions of coming across a crow pecked corpse in the corn field next door. Eventually, a little grey and white head emerged from under a box bush all of ten feet from their run. A little skirmish ensued with loud hailers, baton chargers and heat seeking cameras, but thankfully the little darlings are back in their run. Funny, though, Andy didn't think to blame himself for the escape of our pets and me and the girls were nice enough not to point the finger of blame at him either...however Botox Babe in her usual blunderbuss fashion did when I told her the story. Much as I love my oldest sister, I think she was born without the tact gene!

My visit to Hampton Court Flower Show last week was great fun and I took these pics for Lettuce:

Shed Envy!
PTB I can't upload any more for the this one will have to do for now!

This is a very lazy post. I've just reread it and it's all over the place. If it were an essay I would be told to order my thoughts better!

Oh, one last an interview for 'lesson supervisor and proctor' at local secondary school on Friday. Perhaps my days of tennis and allotment-ing are soon to come to an end, unless I can wangle a part time job out of them, though it says full time on the advert.


Blogger y.Wendy.y said...

Oh look at you..all wide-eyed and freckly...just like Laura're so pretty don't need make-up.

Everyone's coming to France for their hols and I'm going to England - we should have arranged some house-swapping.

2:31 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

hello Geena! Who on earth is Laura Ingalls?

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Laura Ingalls? clearly you didn't weep yourself away through the 70's like me and hundreds of other girls......
Beautiful babes and without makeup, it takes a lot to make me look good... Can you detect a hauty tone to my voice?? it was the Old Zizou comment, I am standing by my Zinedine... hehehe, Ok I know it was foolish and thugish but he is a national hero... later puce....

3:41 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

How come everyone in these hats looks 24?

That's a beautiful pic of you, really! :O)

Tat - I personally think that you look just as, if not more beautiful without make up!

Who is Laura Ingalls?? - I ask you!!?
Were you posh like my husband and not allowed to watch ITV when you were a kid?

4:20 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

Laura Ingalls, I love her books...they are my all time favourite childhood reading and I still will read them on occasion...they are kind of like comfort food to me.

5:00 PM  
Blogger y.Wendy.y said...

Here you's Laura...

5:09 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Oh my word, Geena! hahahha. I think I have a certain 'fresh faced' appeal! hahahahhahahahah NOT!

People used to tell me I looked like Doris Day....I think it's the appley cheeked thing going on! I took the camera and tried to do sultry but just looked scary! I won't post those pictures!

5:57 PM  
Blogger y.Wendy.y said...

I can't do sultry either...look very sulky when I do try so now I don't. You are fresh-faced and pretty though. Unlike my jaded battle-weary visage.

6:38 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Gorgeous Luce, really gorgeous :-) I liked your post. It was a potted account of your very busy week. It sounds like you had lots of fun. Good to have you back.

ET - I also have a huge hole in my cultural knowledge of TV in the 1970's as we didn't have a telly either. If we went to a friends house andd the telly was on my sister and I would gawp at it and refuse to leave when it wa home ime!

7:07 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

Lovely pic Luce. You are lovely.

And nice to have you back and in good rambling form. Lots of comments already - see, everyones been missing you.

No, don't envy those sheds. Bring on the next one.

Little House on the Prairie on TV was ABSOLUTE PANTS - the books, on the other hand, were excellent. In my humble opinion of course.

8:22 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

(glad the GPs weren't gone for good!)

8:24 PM  
Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Am I only the person distraught about the guinea pigs? I know they're back safely...but I was on the edge of my seat! I'm glad you found them...

As for that look really, really lovely. Have you seen the picture I've drawn of you then? Hope you like it. doesn't really look like you...but I did try.

I'm glad you're having a great time.

I haven't heard anything from the Gov. re your reference??? Are you still signed up for it? Good luck with the job you're going for

8:31 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Gosh you do look young. Perhaps I will get a hat if it will do that for me!

Glad the GPs were rescued and good luck with the interview.

I do remember Little H on the P. The opening sequence had a little girl falling down in the grass as she ran after her sisters and my brother and sister used to laugh and say that was me (I was always falling over in my haste to try and keep up with them). Can't remember anything else about it though.

8:50 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Well, I feel very glad that you all say I look young! I assure you it's all done with mirrors! Notice the upwards angle of the shot, if I put my head down my face goes 'flop' like Deputy Dawg.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

Actually... upon second glance - I don't really believe it's you! It's either your daughter, or a younger sister!
(if it wasn't for Lettuce's response, I would believe that!)

BTW - re: 'She Bangs'
Haha - I soooo almost used that title... :O)
I just kinda thought it was one of those that somehow and some point could be used better on another day!?

Don't tell anyone.... but I quite like Ricky! :O)

9:39 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

I did watch Little House when I was a girl, I thought the older sister was much prettier, and gentle and everything I wanted to be. But you all saying I look like the goofy ginger one?! (hahahahah, not really)

I also loved The Waltons on a Sunday.

10:10 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

ooh telly's looking up! A new series of Silent Witness starts on Sunday.

10:40 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

No idea what Silent Witness is but....

Awwww - The Waltons!
I loved that at the time, much more than LHOTP myself!

G'Night RW

G'Night Trac

12:13 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

You do look very lovely in that photo!! Butter wouldn't melt (is that right? I've prob got it wrong). Icecream wouldn't thaw or something prob!!

10:44 PM  

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