Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Blogger won't let me move my photos so scroll down for text!

The new fireplace in the 'front room'.
The new fireplace going in.

I just had to put my plants in!

New fireplace in back room - note the painted floor! That'll be gone today.

Better pic of new fireplace.

These were the sort of people who painted their floor AROUND the rug! WTF!

Once again, Rambler makes her mark!

Back view...that tree on the right'll be gone today.

The back bit of the kitchen after the floor sander had sanded off the tribal rugs! It looks much better already!

The tree that's going and blocking all the sun (sorry, rain clouds).

Rather overgrown dontcha think? Brother in law coming round with trailer and chainsaw in next few days!

Can you see our house under all that undergrowth?

Note to Self: Never get a new house when you have PMT!

We got news in the morning that we had completed, the house was ours and that the keys were with their solicitors.

At lunchtime I went to the solicitors to be told all they were all at lunch and the secretary was on her own and didn't know anything about any keys. I had to go back after 3.30pm when they had finally been located.

Anyway, got myself into the house past the full skip they had left, overflowing with rubbish and mattresses and office chairs and 'spong' and into the house. My god, they had left it filthy with a note saying how the tenants should have cleaned it before they left but hadn't, they hadn't had time to clean it and so, basically, tough shit. I was so mad (and had PMT) I just couldn't be happy/elated/relieved that we had finally got a house.

The next day, yesterday, much much better. (Auntie Martha arrived, as my friend Elen would say, (hi Elen)) and I was feeling more positive. Not only that, the fireplaces went in as planned and the floor sander is on the job!

Today, the tree surgeon is coming in to cut down the big tree at the side (see picture) which should allow much more light into the place. Also, the decorators are coming.

Here are some pics I took earlier. Note that all the floors were painted with 'tribal' rugs painted on! It was nice to see them go!


Blogger y.Wendy.y said...

Wow!! It is going to be gorgeous when you are done with it. It's a lovely house.

I am so so glad it has finally happened...what a fecking saga this has all been.

As for Auntie Martha - she's a good old dame....I also feel so much better when she arrives. ;)

8:32 AM  
Blogger Antipodeesse said...

Congratulations! I am impressed that you got so much done on the very first day!

8:36 AM  
Blogger Trac said...

hahaha - painting around rugs!???

Glad you are finally there and it is indeed a lovely house!

Yeah... I was pmt'd last time I left a comment here too - just incase no one noticed! ;O)

9:24 AM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Ahh you've got the decoraters in, goody.. great stuff Luce, be happy and hello Elen too x

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would have been easier to buy rugs the same shape .
Any chance of a doss in the summer?
Kissy Kissy girly girly welldone happy bunny happy bunny
I assume A is watching the tour de drugs, so you plant girl you do that! Oh tree killer you

6:54 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Wow Luce I can't believe what you have achieved in such a short space of time and with PMT too!!! (I have always said when Aunty Mary comes to stay, funny huh!)

Your house looks fab and when you have exorcised that nasty previous owner and put your own stamp on it it will be marvellous.

10:28 PM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

Thanks for sharing your home with us RW.
The place is coming along in leaps and bounds - you are making it yours, aren't you?
I'm so pleased that you are really truly finally in now.

Auntie Martha doesn't come to stay at mine any more and I can't say that I miss her at all!


10:19 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...


8:53 AM  
Blogger Pod said...

oh it looks fantastic! i love the stained glass. green with envy, green! i am sure the ascension of todd will go very well somewhere.....

lots of happy times in the lovely new home for you all

3:34 AM  

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