Sunday, May 06, 2007

I took Ziggy to the vet yesterday morning to be weighed and checked out. Ziggy was very stressed out at the vets and barked the whole time he was in the waiting room and then when the vet asked me to put Ziggy on the table he kept trying to 'mouth' me when I tried to pick him up. The vet kept saying 'oh you're going to have to be careful with this one, he wants to dominate' which worried me somewhat. She said she could refer to a behaviourist if I wanted. Well, that got me worried.

Then to make matters worse, we took Ziggy for a walk across the fields yesterday and met a country couple with gun dogs who had owned a pointer. They told me that they had a friend with a pointer that was untrainable and had a hell of a time with him for four years until they contacted the German Pointer Gun Club for advice (not to have him shot!). Lo and behold they discovered that these dogs need specific training, blah blah, very intelligent, blah blah, need to be stimulated the whole time.

Another problem, my husband thinks he can dominate a dog by shouting at him even though the dog has a) no idea why he's being shouted at b)not understanding what Andy is trying to get him to do. Hence the dog put his head in the bin, Andy shouted and tried to get the dog into the utility room, the dog cowered under the table and put his hand out to grab him while shouting and got bitten. Andy then kicked the dog told everyone in the room to 'eff off' that he didn't want the dog in the first place, he was a dangerous and aggressive dog. I, on the other hand tried to tell him that a big threatening hand coming down on his head from a stranger threatened him and he was cornered. Andy won't have this, refuses to listen to me and is in a steaming bad mood. Things aren't so good in this household right now.

Not to mention the father in law, who, after Andy had sworn and gone off told me 'you're an intelligent woman but you rely too much on the book'. What? 'Of course I rely on the book, books are written by experienced people who know about things'. 'Ah, but you shouldn't rely on the book, you need to rely on experience'. 'What? I'm not experienced so I turn to a book for advice'. (and you 'eff off, I thought).

Big sigh. I have to admit, I'm slightly wary of my own dog now. The vet told me that I have to be able to touch him all over (the dog, not the father in law), look in his mouth and be able to pick him up. I have to keep my dominance over him, in a firm way.

He's having his cojones cut off on Thursday, which should help.


Blogger Em said...

Oh, sounds like you have a tough situation building there. Yes, you do need to maintain dominance...but never by yelling! That just scares the poor pup. There are so many dominance techniques that are mild and that rely on the dog's instinctive behaviors. Stick with the books. You are right...who do you want to get help from if not the experts?!?!

1:49 PM  
Blogger Akelamalu said...

Stick with the books or find a dog training school for a bit of practical. I'm sure you'll win through.

2:13 PM  
Blogger pam in toronto said...

yes, honestly, not having a dog, mind you...i know everything! But here goes, my advice!...I think the key is to learn yourself how to establish dominace...ziggy has had some training, but have you guys? Yelling and aggression, trully isn't the will just make ziggy resentful and angry...they would turn Ziggy into the dog, they don't want and claim to have...perhaps the family should all engage in puppy school...and then you all would learn how to behave with each other...

6:48 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

Thanks Pam.

I think Andy has had a change of heart. He realises he can't be aggressive towards the dog. So, too has father in law. Mind you, I'm boring them to death with my lectures. Andy is trying to bond with Ziggy now, feeding him, petting him and playing with him.

At first he said he'd just ignore the dog for ever on but I explained that that would not help, he needs to be above him in the pack so the dog won't challenge him again. I think he's taken that on board.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'm sorry that things are difficult RW. Whenever your FIL comes, you hate it. And that probably comes across to the dog. It's poop. Everyone gets stressed. God, I would. I bet when he goes, it will all calm down and it will be easier to settle. I shouldn't worry too much about the 'advice' you get because then it will become a fulfilling prophecy. You'll know what to do if you need to do it.
You're flippin' amazing. That's all I have to say.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Pod said...

join the gun club, take a little walk with yer old man and his old man and the dog, 'the dog just jumped up officer' bang bang, bob's your uncle!

12:04 PM  
Blogger herhimnbryn said...

Gentle, gentle. No shouting, just a firm 'tone'. A good socialization class and don't reward naughty behaviour!
You'll get there....we did, it takes time.
Your Dog is gorgeous

Here from Pod's place.

11:41 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

c'mon luce, bored now with seeing this every time i check in.

11:15 AM  

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