It's been a while since I wrote anything here.
Well, it's exactly two weeks until we take possession of our new house. As it is empty I have been popping up and tending the garden. A neighbour saw me today carrying out sacks of prunings. We stopped and chatted for a while, I introduced myself, he introduced himself, he was very friendly. Four hours later when I logged on to the computer an email popped up from the 'owners' saying 'friends tell me you have been doing extensive work in the garden, ...the bins are full....we are informing our solicitor.....please do not go in our garden again!" I feel sick when I get emails like this! They are never going to live in this house again. Really, does it matter if I clear up the garden? These people live in Dubai. They will return for two days. I think I made the mistake of being friendly with this man and telling him that although we 'compete' on the 2nd July we won't be moving in until the 12th because we are having work done. No doubt this has been passed on already. The bastard! He seemed so nice! Well, I suppose his loyalties lie with his old neighbours. Only to be expected. Harrumph.
I'm upset now, so I won't go on about how busy I have been trying to get decorators/plastereres/plumbers/floor sanders/fireplace fitters to do work before we move in.
I've been losing weight with all this dog walking. Which is nice. I'm not as 'thin' (hahah) I was last summer when I lost some weight, so I have to get some 'will power' from somewhere so I can reduce for our holiday this summer. SOON!!!
This is a highly boring blog post....I'm upset (not about the boring post!). I have to apply some 'cognitive therapy' to my horrible email. Right, I'm off to try some....
It's been a while since I wrote anything here.
Well, it's exactly two weeks until we take possession of our new house. As it is empty I have been popping up and tending the garden. A neighbour saw me today carrying out sacks of prunings. We stopped and chatted for a while, I introduced myself, he introduced himself, he was very friendly. Four hours later when I logged on to the computer an email popped up from the 'owners' saying 'friends tell me you have been doing extensive work in the garden, ...the bins are full....we are informing our solicitor.....please do not go in our garden again!" I feel sick when I get emails like this! They are never going to live in this house again. Really, does it matter if I clear up the garden? These people live in Dubai. They will return for two days. I think I made the mistake of being friendly with this man and telling him that although we 'compete' on the 2nd July we won't be moving in until the 12th because we are having work done. No doubt this has been passed on already. The bastard! He seemed so nice! Well, I suppose his loyalties lie with his old neighbours. Only to be expected. Harrumph.
I'm upset now, so I won't go on about how busy I have been trying to get decorators/plastereres/plumbers/floor sanders/fireplace fitters to do work before we move in.
I've been losing weight with all this dog walking. Which is nice. I'm not as 'thin' (hahah) I was last summer when I lost some weight, so I have to get some 'will power' from somewhere so I can reduce for our holiday this summer. SOON!!!
This is a highly boring blog post....I'm upset (not about the boring post!). I have to apply some 'cognitive therapy' to my horrible email. Right, I'm off to try some....
Oh dear, those people are just being silly. Pah!
Cheer up chicken, it's yours soon, ignore them.. will e-mail you later, off to find a carpark!!
Bloody Hell... some people eh?
But perhaps your new neighbour didn't mean to cause trouble and the old owners sound like they are.... I won't say anything too rude!
What a pain?
But as Tat says, it'll be yours soon! :O)
PS: I don't suppose you'll be inviting your new neighbours over for naked gastronomic Roman orgy-type parties and marathon fun sessions!
They'll be sorry!
Oh - what a horrid thing to happen - poor you!
I hope you were able to say what you needed to say in your reply email?
Just think, when it's finally yours you could send them a long email letting them know how unpleasant they've been!
ah well, they are petty people and soon you won't have any more to do with them, yahoo!
stupid people.
stupid stupid.
twitty twats.
why are people like that? why do they have to assert their 'authority' like that, or at all? as you say, what is the point? such pettiness. people like that start wars. one of our receptionists that we had to 'let go', 'stole' an umbrella that a patient had left. the clinic manager asked for it back. it didn't materialise, and so he sent a letter, via the lawyer, to ask for it back. i mean, it is an umbrella! let it go people! give it up!
oh, i've gone and given myself indigestion now....
ps. titwank of a neighbour! toss turds over the fence when you move in!
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