Ice Station bloody Ipswich
I'm so fed up of this cold that I feel I've been done out of a spring. All around me spring is springing - crocuses are out, daffodils are budding, forsythia is nearly budding, flowering currant is putting on growth but still it's SO DARN COLD. So I've decided to post a nice, summery photo of Lettuce, Tat and two of her girls in Perp last spring (I took the photo) 
I'm confused. I heard on the radio this morning that they can now de-fur your clogged arteries with a drug. They said that they could never do that before. Does that mean that if you are overweight your arteries are clogged and there's nothing you can do? So losing weight and taking exercise doesn't improve the arteries? As I said, I'm confused.
If I play my cards right this week I can manage to play tennis every day!! I played with my friend W yesterday, tonight is club night - N has offered to have the girls at hers (with her older kids) while we play, tomorrow I have a coaching session, Thursday is 'laydees' for two hours, and Friday? probably collapse in a heap somewhere.
I haven't had anything in the post regarding a yay or nay for the course. Tomorrow hopefully....
Also no news on house, we've made the offer, they are thinking....
Boring old blogger today...... (cold, confused and cantankerous)

I'm confused. I heard on the radio this morning that they can now de-fur your clogged arteries with a drug. They said that they could never do that before. Does that mean that if you are overweight your arteries are clogged and there's nothing you can do? So losing weight and taking exercise doesn't improve the arteries? As I said, I'm confused.
If I play my cards right this week I can manage to play tennis every day!! I played with my friend W yesterday, tonight is club night - N has offered to have the girls at hers (with her older kids) while we play, tomorrow I have a coaching session, Thursday is 'laydees' for two hours, and Friday? probably collapse in a heap somewhere.
I haven't had anything in the post regarding a yay or nay for the course. Tomorrow hopefully....
Also no news on house, we've made the offer, they are thinking....
Boring old blogger today...... (cold, confused and cantankerous)
I just looked at your other blog. Wow, you really are amazing. What paintings! Is there no end to your talents?
Yes, it is bloody cold. It snowed again here this morning.
You've confused me completely about the arteries. The thought of fur in them is pretty horrid anyway.
Wear a vest!!!
For those that read this before 12pm UK time, jeremy vine is doing a programme on furred arteries today - yippee - just what I need, NOT. (Radio 2)
Thanks for saying I'm talented. You are a very kind blog friend Le Chat.
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Sorry I made a mistake on that last entry.
I was just saying that it is so cold it hurts. It is really horrible. Everybody wants it to end. I hope it breaks soon.
Don't worry about your arteries. Just have lots of red wine. And garlic. I've consumed so much chocolate recently that I have no arteries left and I've survived. In fact, when I was in hospital, they said, 'Oh, your veins have disintegrated' - that's nice to know.
ooh betty! I do worry about my arteries! But not enough to stop eating the saturated fat - the grease in the sausage pan when I washed it this morning (after last night's dinner) was all white and globular and I thought 'that's in my arteries!'. I've listened to Jeremy Vine (saddo that I am) and I'm none the wiser! If we keep our cholesterol down by eating well and exercising we can limit the furring of our arteries. Does it necessarily follow that if you are 'fat' you have a 'fat' heart? (All this is rhetorical, I'm not expecting you to log on to the Lancet for me!)
thanks trac! Most of that art it at other people's houses - that's why it's taken so long to put together. My mum and dad have a picture that I painted that they commissioned from me. They've framed it and it looks lovely on their wall. Others are buried in the garage somewhere.... I have just ordered ten canvasses from Atlantis and they are sitting looking at me...must get painting.
They eventually had to use the biggest needle I've EVER seen and seemed to take five pints. At least there was still blood there. I thought it might be chocolate coloured!
I think we're talking in real time now - woo!
I don't think you should worry. You always used to eat really lovely food in the office. It was my fault that I introduced you to the fat box. Can you remember that box of chocolates from the chocolate society? That was a high point of the term!! I think I had most of them.
I think you are beautiful.
I'm sure your arteries will be fine with all that tennis and red wine. If Betty says that you are beautiful then I know this is true.
It's probably me who should be worrying. I think diabetics are top of the list for such things. I live on in blissful ignorance.
I am careful about what I eat but I drink like a fish and exercise - well, I do open my own wine bottles!!
Yes, Betty does speak the truth.
What a sweet comment Betty made, I have always thought how beautiful you are, stop thinking about your arteries you silly goose! Nice photo, I am afraid it's great weather here, due another visit??
I'm sure it will warm up soon. It is very spring like here in the west so I will blow a little warm air over your way.
I remember that park, lovely but isn't that 3 of Tat's girls? One in the pram? (sorry don't mean to be pedantic, hehehe)
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