Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's the way I was dragged up!


As much as I love my parents I do feel that they slipped up on their child raising in one area. They never taught me to be a guest. I had no idea that when you go to someone's house you take something and when you've been at someones house you always phone/write to thank afterwards. It's something I learned in adulthood. Now I think they should have spelled it out to me, because as an adult I notice that my parents do ALWAYS turn up with something in hand and ALWAYS ring/write to thank afterwards. I was too busy being a child to notice such things, so my mother should have sat me down and told me!

Last Friday I was invited to my (newish) friend Wendy's with the girls after school to swim in their pool. Nicola was also invited. She phoned me before hand and asked me what I was taking - it hadn't occurred to me to take something, as it was just a swim in a pool, no meal or anything - I mean how far does one take it? So Nicola kindly bought some posh biscuits from both of us!

On Thursday, I invited Nic and Wendy round to lunch. They both turned up with lovely gifts (posh balsamic vinegar and a lovely bottle of Rose wine). They were clearly brought up well! And after lunch, two texts thanking me for a lovely time.....

My two oldest and best friends Bridget and Caroline are the best guests ever, always have been. Caroline turns up for our weekends with a whole Tesco shop! Bridge brings heaps of booze!

Now that I'm grown up I (nearly) never turn up anywhere without something and now I tend to bring more to overcompensate.

When my father in law, came to visit for a month earlier in the year he brought nothing by way of a token gift, or at least something for the children. He claimed he had no luggage space for gifts - hmm. Modern etiquette eh?

I think I have to go now, I have to tell my children something.....



Blogger grumpy old woman said...

hahahaha - great quiz - I only got four right! Got both the cocaine and the smoking questions wrong :o{
I've obviously not kept up with the rules of this modern society.

9:02 AM  
Blogger grumpy old woman said...

Hey Luce, we commented on each others blogs at exactly the same time thi morning (9.02) - how weird is that?

9:11 AM  
Blogger Identikit said...

haha very funny. I only got five. I'm obviously not up with it either.

By the way, I only ever take alcohol as a gift to afternoon events just incase they don't intend to serve any. Self preservation really!!

PS Thankfully I was still asleep in my bed at 9.02 this morning!

11:05 AM  
Blogger Tanya said...

I got 7 ! polite moi....

1:16 PM  
Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Ha I win, 8! Apparently I should have asked my guests not to take the drugs but allowed them to smoke, how mad is that? hehehehe

8:20 PM  
Blogger y.Wendy.y said...

Blimey I only got the cocaine one right and the smoking one wrong! I think it's OK to ask people not to smoke in your house if you're a non-smoker..anyway it's rude as a smoker to smoke in someone's house. So there. And I should know - I am a smoker.

5:34 PM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

I agree Geena. I thought of saying so,,,but didn't want to alienate the smokers amongst us!

8:54 PM  
Blogger Trac said...

hehehe - I got 7! I failed with the... oh never mind!

The answer to your question on the email the other day is


1:31 AM  
Blogger lettuce said...

havn't got round to the quiz yet, great post, here to say hi having just arrived home again.

Feeling guilty I've not brought stuff much when I've visited you ....

and I've blamed porterage too.. Oh no am I like your FIL?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7:12 PM  
Blogger Tanya said...

hahahaha lettuce....
I think it's ok to ask people not to smoke in your house, I don't smoke and don't want people smoking in mine thanks, they can go outside, I can't agree with the quiz on that one ! Trac knows her place, outside !!!

5:48 AM  

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