This and that, that and this.
Well, firstly for those logging on to see my news....there is none. Postman brought not a sausage of news. Apart from a pair of earrings and a sock, sent by C that I'd left on a floor somewhere. Something official addressed to both me and hubby that I haven't bothered to open and will leave for him to open tonight when he gets back (somewhere where he can find it of course!!) (Not in the bathroom as I sometimes do....whoops). Our front door is in such a stupid place round the back of the house by the bedrooms that I pick up the post and I'm half a mile from the kitchen which is where most people put their post, so quite often wander into one of the bedrooms to do something and put the post down somewhere....(must try harder).
Yesterday, after school we were supposed to have one of youngest's friends to tea. We haven't had this little girl before. Anyway, when I got to school to pick them all up her father came up to me to say that J couldn't come. He's not English (Phillipine) and his English is poor so it was rather hard to get to the reason why J couldn't come even though he'd agreed last week. I think it was something to do with J's mother who never picks J up. Maybe it's because she just didn't want her little girl going to tea at a strangers. To be honest I don't blame her, they don't know me from Adam, and what with it all being a new culture for them. Needless, to say, poor J, was in pieces. A has her birthday party coming up in a couple of weeks so we will make sure J gets an invitation to that, we will even offer to pick her up and take her home if it helps.
I had a tennis lesson today. We worked on my serve (and boy does it need work). We played outside and dare I say that the wind had a little less ice in it than yesterday and the sun tried to shine and felt warm....should I get my hopes up?
And finally, Emma Thompson, yes Emma Thompson. I read an article about her yesterday and the journalist said that Emma Thompson was the same age as Madonna. Madonna has been doing yoga 24/7 for ten years (maybe it's her blog Lettuce?) but Emma looks better than her even though she just does a bit of jogging in her back garden. Well, I say, bo****ks to that! Of course, Emma Thompson has had work done, and had a personal trainer. There's no way she could just all of a sudden at 47 (or whatever) look that good. I just don't believe it! I saw her in Tate Britain a couple of years ago and she did look good in the flesh actually. She had really lovely honey coloured skin. (She was with her husband, her child and the child's nanny - well with one child and you take the nanny out with you on a family outing - what's that all about then? -no wonder age hasn't withered her. Bet she doesn't have hands that do dishes. )Looking at these pictures she's definitely had eye work done! (Note to Betty, I wonder if Heat magazine had run something like this yet. Do you still get it?)

Rant over. I'm off to the allotment in a mo to meet R (woman with Pink Floyd pictures, remember?). We are going to dig together (hers at her plot, me at mine and then meet up for a flask of something that she is bringing!) By the way, she owns a cake shop in a nearby village and makes all the cakes every morning for said shop. I will ask her about recipes!
Yesterday, after school we were supposed to have one of youngest's friends to tea. We haven't had this little girl before. Anyway, when I got to school to pick them all up her father came up to me to say that J couldn't come. He's not English (Phillipine) and his English is poor so it was rather hard to get to the reason why J couldn't come even though he'd agreed last week. I think it was something to do with J's mother who never picks J up. Maybe it's because she just didn't want her little girl going to tea at a strangers. To be honest I don't blame her, they don't know me from Adam, and what with it all being a new culture for them. Needless, to say, poor J, was in pieces. A has her birthday party coming up in a couple of weeks so we will make sure J gets an invitation to that, we will even offer to pick her up and take her home if it helps.
I had a tennis lesson today. We worked on my serve (and boy does it need work). We played outside and dare I say that the wind had a little less ice in it than yesterday and the sun tried to shine and felt warm....should I get my hopes up?
And finally, Emma Thompson, yes Emma Thompson. I read an article about her yesterday and the journalist said that Emma Thompson was the same age as Madonna. Madonna has been doing yoga 24/7 for ten years (maybe it's her blog Lettuce?) but Emma looks better than her even though she just does a bit of jogging in her back garden. Well, I say, bo****ks to that! Of course, Emma Thompson has had work done, and had a personal trainer. There's no way she could just all of a sudden at 47 (or whatever) look that good. I just don't believe it! I saw her in Tate Britain a couple of years ago and she did look good in the flesh actually. She had really lovely honey coloured skin. (She was with her husband, her child and the child's nanny - well with one child and you take the nanny out with you on a family outing - what's that all about then? -no wonder age hasn't withered her. Bet she doesn't have hands that do dishes. )Looking at these pictures she's definitely had eye work done! (Note to Betty, I wonder if Heat magazine had run something like this yet. Do you still get it?)

Rant over. I'm off to the allotment in a mo to meet R (woman with Pink Floyd pictures, remember?). We are going to dig together (hers at her plot, me at mine and then meet up for a flask of something that she is bringing!) By the way, she owns a cake shop in a nearby village and makes all the cakes every morning for said shop. I will ask her about recipes!
well I'm not convinced about our Em, she was pretty fab in Tutti Frutti (anyone else remember that? years 'n years ago, with Robbie Coltrane). I think it could be just make-over.
After all, What not to Wear does some pretty dramatic transformations (not that I watch it, obviously...) just through clothing, hair and make-up.
Definately envy her life tho' - and her partner, Greg Wise, quite scrumptious.
btw - allotment and shop and kids and pink floyd and home-baking. Bloody Nora! (and dogs?)
hahahaha. And book group! WHy am I even talking to the woman? (No dogs though) Hubby sells wind turbines!! (Oh, yes and she's a lanscape gardener, or was)
Wind turbines!!? The mind boggles. How does he sell them, I wonder - mail order, from a stall on the market? Well, well.
Hope you had a good time with superwoman anyway.
Not sure about Emma either. Is she really 47?
Yes, Heat is still alive and well. This has definitely ruined my 'high culture' street cred hasn't it? Ha ha! As for Emma Thompson, she did well to get rid of Kenneth. Can't bear him. Wouldn't it be lovely to take a nanny everywhere with you? I think she must have had work done too.
you're prob. better off without JG, Trac - he seems to have got stuck playing eccentric scientists these days. Not like his earlier, funny films....
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Sorry, that was me. I made such an enormous typo!
Anway, I said...I totally agree with Trac. Far from 'used to want to marry JG' I still want to marry him! He's utterly sexy and his lips are fleshy atall! It would be a choice between Robert Downey Jnr or JG if they were ever to ask!
My perfect friend said that Mary Berry's cake book is the best!
I meant 'aren't fleshy atall'
I really should learn to proo read before I press the button.
(That was a joke btw!)
poo read?
I'd have said JG has fleshy lips. Did like him in the Tall Guy though (with Em). And Earth girls are easy. Bit hairy in The Fly though.
My god, you lot! it's like a coffee morning at chez Lucys!!! I loved the film tall guy and the soundtrack, not that I was a madness fan I prefer the original "Must be love" myself. I bought it for Guy for valentines day.....Your friend sounds fab, is she beautiful just to add to how annoyinging wonderful she appears to be?
yes she does sound like superwoman. i bet her cakes are deeelish!
I don't know why and this is crazy but everytime I see the name rambling woman the word Gambler comes into my head and I start singing the song, can't remember who by is is Madonna? or maybe Neil diamond, I need to get out more!
Sorry to have to break the news to you laydees, but I'M going to marry Jeff Goldblum
A friend with a cake shop is a friend worth cultivating!
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