Garden Update
It's been a long while since I posted anything here, but my garden is looking so lovely compared with last year that I've been taking loads of photos and feel the need to post them here!
In fact since I took these photos even more stuff has come out as the wallflowers (yellow) and forget-me-nots are nearly over. I have roses covered in buds just about to burst! I can't wait!Every morning I wander up with my coffee and my dog and inspect the flowers and the pond which is currently full to bursting with fat tadpoles and quite a few large frogs!
Ah. We still have the dog, yes. I still love him and he still disgraces himself occasionally by chasing sheep (only the once and NEVER again), and even cows with newborn calves in full view of Sunday walkers - why does the countryside have to be full of livestock???
My dogwalking sometimes stresses me out, the fact that I have to go everyday when I could be doing other things such as hoovering all the dust up that seems to reappear miraculously every morning. (sad person that I am). But, at this time of year, the countryside is absolutely magnificent and my dog walks have become longer and longer every evening (sometimes over two hours!). But I just delight in the wonderful scenery around me - in the last couple of weeks I have seen carpets of bluebells, herds of beautiful deer and listened to cuckoos.
So, I'm now a complete and utter country girl, I'm afraid. That urban lass that moved up from London two years ago barely gets time to read the Review Section in the Sunday papers anymore. I realise that my cultural life is lacking at the moment, but that is soon to be remedied with a trip to Sadlers Wells and a visit to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in a few weeks.
Hot diggety dog! Remedy for mad dog? Turn the sunshine up to 26 degrees and voila! - a dog that can't be bothered to move, how simple is that!