When I got back from Brussels last week I discovered that Rocket our lovely, but ageing guinea pig had shuffled off his mortal. I was sad. I loved that pig. When I used to come into the garden and call 'Pii-ggs', he would run up to me and squeak.
Anyway, our poor other pig was left alone and looked so lonely in her run that yesterday, Alice and I went out to a pet shop and bought a new friend for Nutmeg. Meet Feisty
But mother got carried away (that's me) and came home with something else;
He's a Rex rabbit, and his fur is so so soft, but his claws are so so sharp! At first his name was 'grey' but this morning he's been renamed to 'Smoky'. He's very cute and very inquisitive.
By the way, on Friday I went to the Tate Modern. Those pipes were an Art Installation! Apparently the art is the appreciation of it when you go down the pipes, or somefink.
I met up with Moonwalker (a regular commenter on this blog). We hadn't seen each other for about four or even five years. But the years don't matter, there's never any trouble picking up with true old friends. We had a lovely time, a lovely catch up and we're definitely NOT going to leave it so long next time!
Well, they say we're going to get snow next week. I can't believe that...all the trees are bursting into bloom three weeks before they should so I'm told. All the bees and caterpillars and things are going to die and this summer (which will be hotter than any ever) will be infested with bugs that should have been eaten by other bugs that were killed off in the third week of March. Well, lets see shall we?